Social Studies 10 – May 23, 2017

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Shape of the day:

  1. Attendance
  2. Review of Indian Act questions
  3. History of CPR activity
    1. For this activity, you will be making a PowerPoint that consists of a maximum of 10 slides.  Each slide can contain no more than 10 words and needs to include one graphic (picture, map, chart, graph, etc).
    2. When you are presenting, you should stay on one slide for no more than 30 seconds.
    3. Your presentation should be between 2 – 4 minutes.
    4. Each group member must have at least 2 slides that they are responsible for.
    5. You will be in groups of 4 and will need to put together a mini presentation that answers one of the following questions:
      1. John A. Macdonald resigned from being Prime Minister in 1873, what events led up to this and why was this important with respect to Canada and the CPR?
      2. Who was Alexander Mackenzie and what actions did he take with respect to the CPR?  Why was BC important during this period?
      3. John A. Macdonald eventually returned to power.  What platform did he run on and what were the main focuses of that policy?
      4. What challenges did the CPR face in getting built?
      5. Who was William Van Horne and why is he seen as being an important reason in the CPR being completed?
      6. Do you think the CPR exploited workers?  Describe what working conditions would have been like for many working on the CPR.
      7. How did the Northwest Uprising gain support for the CPR?
    6. Present your responses
    7. For homework, respond to the statement “The CPR is the reason Canada exists today”.

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