How might your digital footprint affect your future opportunities? 

The digital footprint that you leave behind can result in many lost job opportunities, ruined relationships, and sharing of private information. lost job opportunities: When companies are looking to hire people, they are looking for the best person fit for the job. They are most likely looking for a hard working, kind, positive, caring, and helpful person for the job. Chances are, if the see the information you release out to the public, they won’t want to hire you. An example would be applying for a business job, they would not like to find photos on the internet of their employee being up and out until 3am. This is already one lost job opportunity and there could be many more along the way. Ruined relationships: Now a days, it’s so easy to ruin relationships just over technology. People can betray you and screenshot conversations, or even photos so easily. Sharing of private information: Chances are, the photos that you take, you don’t want everyone in the world to see. These days its so easy for someone to take a screenshot and then send it off to the entire world. As well as sharing your password to anyone can do you no good, because you have just released them to all your private information that they can now use forever.

Artist: fauxels, Website:

Artist: Tracy, website:

Artist: Liza Summer, website:

Describe at least three strategies that you can use to keep your digital footprint appropriate and safe.

There are many strategies you can use to make sure you are not leaving a digital footprint but the strategies I use most are:
1. Use strong passwords that you can remember. An example would be to not make your password 1234! Instead try using a password including at least 1 capital letter, numbers and 1 symbol. An example would be: C@t2000!. This is a password that can keep your account safe and sound.

Artist: Pixabay, Website:

2. Don’t share your password! As much as you absolutely want to, don’t share your password with your friends because they can get into your private information. And even if its a friend that you trust a lot, it’s so easy to screenshot information, and send it off to the world.
3. Keep all your sources private. This would be the easiest way to make sure your information and photos don’t get out to the world. If you have a private account you can choose who your followers and friends are and who can see your information.
4. Update your soft wear and social medias! There was a video released of a group of students studying about digital footprints, and they were searching up their name to see what they can find. One students computer was auto-uploading all his photos to the internet so all his information was being released to the world. This is absolutely something you don’t want. By also keeping your resources up to date, you have a much better way of keeping everything private.

What information did you learn that you would pass on to other students? How would you go about telling them?

The information that I would pass onto other students about how to not leave a digital footprint would be always double check. And the things mainly I would always say to double check are: 1. That you are using a strong and secure password that you and only you know, 2. Keep all your sources private so your information does not get released to the entire world, 3. Update your software to keep it well running and set best for your preferences of how you would like it. As well as realizing what’s best for your future and future opportunities. By, simply doing this quick five minute task you can make sure your account is safe and secure. By having it safe and secure you can create many more opportunities in the future for yourself.

Artist: Erin Lee, website: