Our challenge was to construct an affordable and humane mouse trap. The trap had to include a factor of electricity and the use of a Micro bit. This trap could be used in our school to reduce the problem of mice living here.
Our dream was to create a mouse trap that is similar to a Rube Goldberg machine. The trap would use an ultra-sonic sensor to detect movement inside our Soda bottle base. Once the sensor detected movement it would send a signal through the radio function to another micor bit. This Mirco Bit would receive the signal and start the motor connected to it, those motors would close the top of the soda bottle closing it on the mouse inside. After a few seconds, the micro bit would start playing a tune which alerts the person who set up the trap.
In this section, we will be talking and showing you our processes of making, coding and constructing our mouse trap. We will show video of how it would work because it is a prototype and we did not have enough time to fit everything into place
- This is the process of coding and wiring.
2. This is the code for the process of our micro bit. This code will use the ultrasonic sensor, the motor bit, and the monk makes the speaker, relay board and circuit board.
3. This is the complete writing for our mouse trap.
4. This is the video demonstrating how our Project was supposed to work.
The group worked effectively most of the time. I believe if we had more time to work on this project we would have been able to demonstrate this project to its fullest. However, if the group and I could have found solutions to our problem earlier we could have been able to get further into depth with our project. For example, we would include more components like a more advanced system of trapping the mouse.
In conclusion, the group and I belive this project was a good example and prototype of were out mouse trap can evolve from the point its at.