Textiles 11/12 – Doll Pants Process


I found that operating the sewing machine wasn’t very difficult once I understood how to operate it. However, I struggled with understanding the written directions because I found the explanations confusing so I often had to ask the teacher for what to do for my step.


For this project, I felt like I learned a lot about how to sew using the sewing machine since this was my first time operating one. I enjoyed using the sewing machine and I’m considering remaking my passion project to involve using the sewing machine.


If I had to do this project again, I would have taken the extra time to take more accurate measurements of my doll and try to scale the fitting of my pants better so my doll could properly wear it. I would also like to try using a different material such as denim and try adding extra pockets to the pant legs.

Week 5 – Finale – This was my final week working on my project and I finished sewing my doll pants.

2. My success was that I finally completed my doll pants sewing project.

3. Something I found challenging was that I struggled stringing the elastic in the waistband of the pants because it kept sliding and not staying in place when I was sewing it down.

4. My Goal for this week is to get started on my next project, which is trash fashion.

Week 4 – This week I learned how to use the sewing machine and I did the first 3 steps in the instructions.

2. My success was that I completed the first four steps in sewing the pants.

3. Something I found challenging was that I had to keep redoing the second step when I had to sew the pockets since they weren’t even on each side. I also wasn’t able to complete my goal from last week.

4. My Goal for this week is to finish sewing my pants.

Week 3 – On my third week, I cut out my design and pinned the blueprint to the fabric I chose. Since I was going to use a different doll to wear the pants I had to adjust the length of the fabric.


2. My success this week was that I was able to finish cutting out my fabric to be sewed using the sewing machine.

3. Something I found challenging was scaling the size of the pants so it would fit my doll.

4. My Goal for this week is learn more on how to use the sewing machine.

Week 2 – My second week after I sketched my croquis, I started to assemble my fabric and vision board together. I went on the internet and picked out photos that I thought connected to the pants I was making.

2. My success this week was that I was able to select all of the images I wanted for my Mood Board and the fabric I was going to use to make doll pants.

3. Something I found challenging was finding just the right photos that I wanted to use for my mood board and making a layout.

4. My Goal for this week is get started on taking measurements of my doll so I can make sure the pants fit right.

Week 1 – My first week I interviewed my client, asking them what pants they wanted. Then I sketch out my croquis for how they wanted the pants to look.

2. My success this week was that I was able to finish sketching my croquis and drew what I wanted my model to look like.

3. Something I found challenging was learning how to sketch a croquis for the first time.

4. My Goal for this week is to finish assembling my Mood Board.

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