Textiles 11/12 – Meditative Monday

2022/06/20 – Sewing Fabric of Apron and completion

1. This week I embroidered the writing on my apron and sewed all my pieces of fabric together. I completed my apron.

2. Some things I struggled with was trying to embroider the letters and words in a straight line across the fabric. There were multiple times I had to redo letters because the pressure foot got caught in the thread and jam up.

2022/06/13 – Cutting out Fabric of Apron

1. What I did last week was that I started sketching and cutting out the parts of my apron.

2. Something I struggled with was properly cutting out the fabric in a straight line.

3. My success this week was that I was able to draw out all the parts of my apron.

4. My goal for this week is to finish my apron.

2022/06/06 – Beginning of Design an Apron

1. What I did last week was that I started designing my apron that I’ll be giving my dad for Father’s Day. I finished my croquis of my apron and selected the fabric I would be using.

2. Something I struggled with was drawing the proportions of the croquis for the design of my apron.

3. My success this week was that I was able to finish my design for my dad’s new apron.

4. My goal for this week is to draw out the plans for my apron.

2022/05/30 – Trashion Fashion Process Completed

1. What I did last week was that I attached the ruffles to the dress’s sleeves and the bottom later of the dress to the cardboard dress. The dress is now finished.

2. Something I struggled with was cutting and trying to attach the bottom part of the dress without cutting or wrinkling the paper.

3. My success this week was that I was able to finish my Trashion Fashion Project

4. My goal for this week is to select fabric for my apron project.

2022/05/24 – Trashion Fashion Process Continued

1. What I worked on last week was that I continued to work on my Trashion Fashion Project. I worked on creating the lower part of my dress and hot-glued the cardboard pieces to the part of the cardboard. I prepared a paper underskirt to add volume to the bottom part of the dress. I also cut out paper slips to be ruffles for my dress’s sleeves.

2. Something I struggled with last week was that I had to re-glue the cardboard strips to the top part of the cardboard dress because they kept on falling off.

3. My success this week was that I finished cutting out the cardboard strips for the bottom part of my cardboard dress.

4. My goal for this week is to finish my Trashion Fashion

2022/05/16 – Fiber Environmental Project

1. What I did last week was that I started and finished my Animal Fiber Environmental Project about silk.

2. Something I struggled with was finding trustworthy sources about information on the process of silk production.

3. My success this week was that I was able to finish my silk project.

4. My goal for this week is to finish my Trashion Fashion.

2022/05/02 – Trashion Fashion Process Continued

1. What I did last week was that I continued recreating my original design for my cardboard fashion. I also constructed the skeleton of my project and put together the front part with staples and hot glue.

2. Something I struggled with was cutting out and shaping my cardboard since I have a limited supply and I didn’t want to wasted any cardboard.

3. My success this week was that I was able to continue on cutting my cardboard and shaping it into my design.

4. My goals for this week is to finish the my trashion fashion project.

2022/05/02 – Trashion Fashion Process Continued

1. What I did last week was that I recreated my original design for my cardboard fashion. I also constructed the skeleton of my project and put together the front part with staples and hot glue.

2. Something I struggled with was cutting out and shaping my cardboard since I have a limited supply and I didn’t want to wasted any cardboard.

3. My success this week was that I was able to get started on cutting my cardboard and shaping it into my design.

4. My goals for this week is to at least finish the top part of my trashion fashion project.

2022/04/25 – Beginning of Trashion Fashion

1. What I did last week was that I finished my doll pants and moved on to starting my Trashion Fashion project. I brought spare cardboard that was left over from a package delivery and drew out a design to make a cardboard shirt using discarded fabric from banners.

2. Something I struggled with coming up with an idea for an accessory to design for my Trashion Fashion project. 

3. My success from last week was that I completed my doll pants project.

4. My goals for this week is to get started and be close to completing my Trashion Fashion project.

2022/04/11 – Final steps to finishing doll pants

1. This is my doll pants process so far.

2. My success was that I’ve nearly completed my doll pants project.

3. Something I found challenging was stringing the elastic through the waistband and sewing it there. The elastic kept stretching into the gap and I found stitching it difficult since it kept moving.

4. My Goal for this week is to get started on my trash fashion project and choose what my artifact will be.

2022/04/04 – Sewing Doll Pants

1. My doll pants sewing process so far

2. My success was that I completed the first four steps in sewing the pants.

3. Something I found challenging was that I had to keep redoing the second step when I had to sew the pockets since they weren’t even on each side. I also wasn’t able to complete my goal from last week.

4. My Goal for this week is to finish sewing my pants.

2022/03/28 – My Doll Pants

1. My doll pants sewing process so far

2. My success before Spring Break was that I used the sewing machine for the first time to complete the first step on assembling my fabric for doll pants.

3. Something I found challenging was sewing a steady line with the sewing machine.

4. My Goal for this week is to finish at least steps 1 to 5 for my doll pants.

2022/03/21 – My Mood Board

1. My Mood Board Process So Far

2. My success last week was that I was able to select all of the images I wanted for my Mood Board and the fabric I was going to use to make doll pants.

3. Something I found challenging was learning how to sketch a croquis for the first time.

4. My Goal for this week is to finish assembling my Mood Board. 

2022/02/14 – My Love Monster

1. My Love Monster Process


2. My success last week was that I was able to finish my Love Monster plushy. I’m going to name him either Kumquat or Voodoo. 

3. Something I found challenging was making the final slip stitch on my Love Monster.

4. My Goal for this week is learning how to use the sowing machine. 

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