Community Connections


(Ms. Spicer – Music Teacher ♫)

For my Community Connections Project, I interviewed Laine Spicer who teaches choir and band at Riverside High School.

I chose Ms. Spicer because she’s my teacher for choir which is one of my favorite classes and I like how she makes sure everyone is involved during class. Also, during my first time at high school, I wanted to join choir but I couldn’t do to the fact that at the time it interfered with my schedule. Then when I finally decided to join choir, she allowed me to join even though half of the school year had already gone by and made me feel welcome to the class. 



#1 Why are you passionate about your job?

“I am passionate about my job because I love music and the way it makes me feel. But I love seeing students discover the joy of music and seeing them grow into wonderful musicians .”


#2 What obstacles have you faced to get you where are are today?

“An obstacle I’ve faced is trying to find a full-time music position. I had to work part-time music for a couple of years until I got a job as a music teacher at Riverside High school.”


#3 What advice would you pass on to someone interested in what you are doing?

“Some advice I would like to pass on to other people is to make sure you not only want to teach music, but that you also want to teach students as well. ​Also, you should also be prepared and expect to put in more time than you get paid for doing.”


#4 Have you ever considered going after another career you were passionate about?

“Yes, I do often think about changing careers only because I love new change and experiencing different things. However, music and teaching makes me happy so I am not going anywhere anytime soon.”


#5 What is one of your proudest achievements that has happened to you during your career?

“I have achieved many things. I have done lots of concerts and won many competitions for music. But seeing a student find a passion for music because they took my class is always going to be my proudest moments throughout my career.”


#6 Would you be open to further contact from Riverside students and if so, how can someone contact you?

“Yes, I would be open to further contact from Riverside students. They can contact me by email.”

Ms. Spicer’s Email –



(My Choir Folder)

(Guitar for Display in Band-room)











During my interview with Ms. Spicer, something that I thought was interesting was that she had done lots of concerts and won many competitions which I thought was really impressive. I also found it inspiring that she worked hard to find a full-time job that involved her passion of music. I can also connect with her passion of music because I love music in general and I’ve played several kinds of instruments such as the electric guitar and the piano. Although I don’t think I’ll pursue a music teaching position, I’m still wanting to pursue a career in the music industry so I find the advice of being prepared helpful. Ms. Spicer is a big inspiration to me involving music and I was glad I got the chance to interview her and ask questions. 


(Choir Piano)

(School Band Instruments)

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