Our project was to create a blackout poem inspired by a short story called the veldt. My poem called The improvement explores many of the same aspects of the veldt.
Our project was to create a blackout poem inspired by a short story called the veldt. My poem called The improvement explores many of the same aspects of the veldt.
Thank you for submitting your PowToon Poetry project on your Edublog for both COL and English 9. I have the following observations:
– Blackout poem process is highlighted in the video, your found poem is aesthetically pleasing
– Properly uses the technology to create a presentation in video format
– Video is fairly well edited and smooth to watch, make sure you spell words like poem properly as it takes away from the presentation
– Capitalize sentences and make sure that you capitalize proper nouns (names of people, companies, official locations, etc.) > Ray Bradbury >>> not doing this takes away from your final product
– Reflection somewhat limited and provides some context to process taken to complete project
– Properly embedded both the video and document on the edublog post
Well done on this assignment!
Mr. Barazzuol
COL Teacher