Indigenous Exploration- Indigenous incarceration

Indigenous incarceration podcast.

Indigenous peoples face many problems in Canada and me (Kiana), charlotte and Millie are going to be talking about one of these problems, Indigenous Incarceration.

our podcast:


my experience: making this podcast made me learn many new things about indigenous incarceration and the unfair treatment of indigenous people. i experienced many things, for example I learned how over represented youth are in foster care and juvenile detention centers. I did not know how many obstacles indigenous people have to overcome and I will do m best to pass this information on.

our journey for researching: my groups journey for researching and making the podcast went very smoothly. We each researched a different topic involving indigenous incarceration and later shared the information with the group. We all used many different sites for researching and all had our research done on the same day so we could stay organised. 

recording: Recording our podcast was the most fun part of this assignment because we got to learn how to use the recorder and audacity. Although not everything came easy to us. We ran into a problem where when our recording had stopped it kept replaying our podcast even though it should have ended by then. We later asked a teacher to help us figure out our problem and turned out that I had accidentally pressed the loop button and that’s why it kept going in a loop.

critical thinking: 

before making this podcast I had learned from many other teachers and piers that after residential schools there was a lot of generational trauma passed down from residential schools. I used this information about generational trauma to explore ideas purposefully and used my evidence to make judgements about indigenous incarceration. My thinking was changed by realizing how much injustice indigenous people face. There are so many things affecting them such as Foster care, youth incarceration, drug and alcohol use ect. And I did not know how Bad it is.

resources used:

Foster care:

Author: Sabrina Pourghassemi and Subhanghi Anandarajah

Title of article: Indigenous children overrepresented in Canada’s child welfare system, research say

Article publisher:



Author: Peter Goffin. 

Title of article: why canada is reforming indigenous foster care.

Article publisher: BBC world service.



Author: Jessy Neals

Title of article: Random Journey in the Life of an Indigenous Former Foster Child

Article publisher: Heretohelp.



Indigenous youth incarceration:

Author: Kelly Geraldine Malone

Title article: Nearly half of canadas incarcerated youth are indigenous, according to statstics canada.

Article publisher: The canadian press



Author: does not say

Title of article: Understanding the Overrepresentation of Indigenous people in the Criminal Justice System

Article publisher: Government of Canada.



Author: Lenard Monkman

Title of article: Indigenous incarceration rates: Why are Canada’s numbers so high and what can be done about it?

Article publisher: CBC News



Indigenous systemic drug and alchohol usage:

Author: Marcel Gemme

Title of article: Indigenous people in canada- Discrimination and generational substance use

Article Publisher: DRS



Author: Jackie Mckay

Title of article: indigenous advocates call for more culturally informed addictions treatment in B.C.

Article publisher: CBC News


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