My digital footprint

Question #1: How does your previous digital footprint align with how you would want to be viewed moving forward?

Answer: Your previous digital footprint aligns with how you want to be viewed moving forward because your footprint always stays with you. If your previous digital footprint is good, you will have no problem moving forward to things like jobs and getting into college or university however if you posted negative things online you will have a harder time doing these things.

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Question #2: How can your phone have a positive and negative impact on your learning?

Answer: Your phone can have a positive effect on your learning because you can use your phone for research such as Google, Safari and more so it can be very helpful. phones can be helpful to help you focus more on strategies like music. Phones can be damaging to your learning because you can get very distracted by social media, for example, apps like Instagram, Snapchat, tik tok facebook, etc. If you are addicted to things like tik tok it can keep you up all night causing you to get little to no. sleep so the next morning you are too tired to learn anything.

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Question #3: What attributes or characteristics do you have that can contribute to a positive school culture?

Answer: charactaristichs that i have that contribute to a positive school environement are postitivity, kindness, inclusivity and welcoming. I use these characterisitics in school to make sure that everyone is safe and comfortable and that no one feels discluded, nervous or even bullied. i think that everyone in the school should try and have similar characteristics as these so that everyone is welcome in the school.

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One thought on “My digital footprint

  1. Thank you for sharing your commentary on how to monitor your online use and how to maintain a credible digital footprint. Below are some observations about your post:

    – Your details are very effective in answering the three questions regarding responsible online use
    – Your media is effective, well-sourced, and from share-friendly sites
    – Consider eliciting a comment on your post. See this video for help:

    Thank you,
    Mr. Robinson
    COL Teacher for ADL10
    Riverside Secondary School

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