Technology Paragraph

Even though the other side brought up some good points, my side has proven that we are too reliant on technology. In the last 20 years, technology has become more powerful than ever before, making it easier for people to use. For example,  according to, 60% of teens—those between the ages of 13 to 17—say that spending too much time online is a “major” problem facing their age group, with about nine in 10 teens dubbing it a problem. More than half of teens (54%) say they spend too much time on their cell phones, and 41% say they overdo it on social media. This constitutes exactly what the definition of dependence is ; ” the quality or state of being influenced or determined by or subject to another; reliance, trust”. Not only has society become too dependant on social media and cellphones, we have begun to use it to replace us. Amazon has created an entire store with no workers, only cameras and AI create your shopping experience. In my opinion, our usage of technology has gone too far, with us becoming entirely too dependant on how easy and simple life can be with technology, We are loosing our identities, becoming slaves to what technology has to offer us. Experiences are becoming less and less personal, and more person-less. The proof is right in front of our eyes, on our blue lit screens.

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