
1. I enjoyed this article. I think that it was interesting how they didn’t base the entire article around statistics but they were still relevant. I can see how people are being tricked into thinking that these people are real, because they are using names that are relevant and well-known. However, the fact that these politicians are just letting these people friend them on Facebook, is not helping the fact. Now that people know these people are fake and that they are friending politicians on Facebook, makes it seem as though the politicians are trying to influence people. I love politics and the in’s and out’s to it all, so this is an article I really liked.

2. I found this article to be extremely relevant. I really like how they showed all of their sources to prove that their information wasn’t fake. I struggle sometimes, with a lot of what they mention in the article, like deciding when I should share something or not.  I really liked how they gave us different views on every point, so we could make up our minds. I was shocked to see how normally reliable sources like The Daily Mail, were obviously not fact-checking the statistics and were continuing the false information. After reading this article, I will continue to try my best to recognize false information when I see it, and try to get it taken down if I can.

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