English 9

Video Essay: Adults Cause Discrimination

My video essay on why I believe that adults cause racism. Our task was to take our essay that we wrote and turn it into a presentation to go along with our writing. I chose to display my information in an Emaze and have my voice in the background.

How to listen – If the audio doesn’t play automatically, follow these instructions: on each slide, there is a small box. Click on it to begin the audio for each slide. Use the arrows on each side of the presentation to manually switch slides.

Powered by emaze

Information Fluency

Today we went through some stations in the library about how to decipher between true and/or false information. A few of the strategies I used were:

  1. First off, I would look at the URL and the domain – .com means anyone can make it whereas .org is an organization, .edu is from an education, and .gov is from the government.
  2. I scanned the site for credible information – I clicked on all the hyperlinks and verified the information with it and used my previous knowledge to help.
  3. I checked the site for contact information or the “about us” section – if there is no information to contact the author it shows that they aren’t credible.

We also went onto the library site and read some online magazines. Here is one that I read and the instructions for how to get on:


Library page logon use your school logon: 132-first.initial.last.name and your school password

Ebsco logon: riversiderapids

Gale PW: student

Something I learned today was that at Riverside, we have access to an entire library full of online magazines and articles free of charge for us to use. With tons of bountiful information, these sources are credible and very easy to use.

I hope that we will be able to do more activities like this in the future! I had a lot of fun and learned a lot.