Grade 11

451 – Genre Breakdown

Genre is a way that is used to organize and classify numerous forms of literature, films, and multi-media. Such forms of entertainment are often sorted into specific categories that are tailored to certain shared traits demonstrated within the genre itself. Ray Bradbury’s novel “Fahrenheit 451” is a fictional novel, as it is an imaginative story that is created from the author’s mind with made-up characters and satirized careers and laws within society, such as the fact that firefighters start fires rather than put them out. The book can also be categorized even further as a science-fiction novel, due to its futuristic setting and evident technological growth in the world throughout the story. The novel can be applied to this sub genre because of the way that technology is advanced and is used as a form of propaganda to manipulate the public. It is also used as a way to control society, such as the mechanical hounds and the parlor walls. There is also a realistic side to this novel that practically mimics a part of history: the Nazi book took place during the Holocaust to prevent rebellious thoughts and ideologies, very similar to Bradbury’s idea that books give people power, which is dangerous. Since Fahrenheit 451 takes place in a dystopian and advanced world, many of the items found within the story are rather mechanically advanced, such as the beetles (cars), and seashells (wireless earbuds). Another aspect of the novel that is very technologically advanced would be the use of kerosene instead of water, which is used by firefighters to start fires and destroy any remaining knowledge that was  shared through literature. Overall, it can be noted that Fahrenheit 451 is a rather innovative take on the modern world, considering the use of technology within society.


Banned and Challenged Books

Censorship within media and literature is used to hide provocative ideologies and provide strict surveillance over the content that released to the public eye. There are many reasons as to why the government and those in positions of power may wish to ban certain information from society, most often due to the nature of the subject matter. Items that are commonly censored may include any sort of political philosophies, nudity or profanity within television or music, or discriminatory topics regarding one’s race or sexuality. Regarding literature and censored novels, there are many examples of books that bring up touchy subjects and therefore may be unwanted within schools or for educational purposes. Novels that go beyond such boundaries may be considered a challenged book, which means there has been an attempt to eliminate restrict the content found within the piece of literature from school districts or neighbouring communities. As for banned books, these novels are removed completely from society and are unable to be read due to the subject matter. An example of a banned book would be Animal Farm, written by George Orwell in 1945. This novel was banned due to the rebellious behaviors exhibited throughout the story and how it represented the Soviet Union and communism before the Russian Revolution. Due to the time period and the history between the Soviets and Americans, any sort of attention brought to the communists was considered dangerous and a threat to the United States. Since the content of the book provoked a lot of thought around political standpoints, the novel was banned in communist countries around the world, such as the Soviet Union, Cuba, and China. In regards to Fahrenheit 451, it is evident that this novel is considered a challenged book, and in some cases a banned book, due to the ideologies of society that are covered throughout the story. Bradbury thoroughly explains a world with no knowledge and how having an education is illegal. It also may be seen to encourage people to rebel against the government in order to obtain certain abilities in life, such as the capacity of being literate. Another reason that is mentioned in regards to Fahrenheit 451 being challenged is that there are parts where religion (in this case, Christianity) is ridiculed or harassed with the burning of the Bible since this could mean the novel is anti-religious. On the whole, censorship is a crucial part of society that has evolved greatly throughout the years, yet it is still very much a factor of today’s world and the media that is shared with the public.



The Stranger – History Paragraph

In poems such as Gord Downie’s, “The Stranger,” past injustices against indigenous peoples are magnified, as well as the horrors they faced throughout the Canadian residential school era. These individuals were forced to abandon their culture and traditions in hopes that they would assimilate to the modern European lifestyle enforced by the Canadian government. The abuse and maltreatment of aboriginal people and their ways of life lead to an overall painful period in Canada’s history, which is often overlooked and forgotten. Pieces like, “The Stranger,” shine a light on these neglected issues by giving society the chance to view these events from the perspective of a survivor that lived through the brutal circumstances. It allows the world to know that horrible acts of cruelty and discrimination must not be brushed aside and left untouched; in order to continue making positive progress in the world, humanity must address its faults and move forward. By speaking up about parts of a country’s dark history and past events that may be rather shameful, it gives survivors the chance to regain their voice and influence in the world, as well as the opportunity to share their stories to help others and spread awareness about these issues. Having insight as to what took place inside these schools and their long-term issues that continue to affect people today gives the world the opportunity to eliminate such forms of present day abuse. Ultimately, the more attention that is brought to difficult subjects to discuss will allow humanity to embrace its mistakes and work towards a future of worldwide acceptance.


UBC apologizes for role in residential school system