April 25, 2019

The Stranger – History Paragraph

In poems such as Gord Downie’s, “The Stranger,” past injustices against indigenous peoples are magnified, as well as the horrors they faced throughout the Canadian residential school era. These individuals were forced to abandon their culture and traditions in hopes that they would assimilate to the modern European lifestyle enforced by the Canadian government. The abuse and maltreatment of aboriginal people and their ways of life lead to an overall painful period in Canada’s history, which is often overlooked and forgotten. Pieces like, “The Stranger,” shine a light on these neglected issues by giving society the chance to view these events from the perspective of a survivor that lived through the brutal circumstances. It allows the world to know that horrible acts of cruelty and discrimination must not be brushed aside and left untouched; in order to continue making positive progress in the world, humanity must address its faults and move forward. By speaking up about parts of a country’s dark history and past events that may be rather shameful, it gives survivors the chance to regain their voice and influence in the world, as well as the opportunity to share their stories to help others and spread awareness about these issues. Having insight as to what took place inside these schools and their long-term issues that continue to affect people today gives the world the opportunity to eliminate such forms of present day abuse. Ultimately, the more attention that is brought to difficult subjects to discuss will allow humanity to embrace its mistakes and work towards a future of worldwide acceptance.


UBC apologizes for role in residential school system