What Darwin Never Knew

How did the discovery of DNA prove that Darwin’s theory of evolution was correct?

Darwin theorized that species come to evolve over time, through a process called natural selection, where the most fit organisms produce offspring and over time, the species becomes stronger and more fit for survival. All species have variation, but the traits that allow for better survival in nature are chosen to be passed onto offspring. However, Darwin admitted that he did not know how traits were passed down from parent to offspring, though he created the idea of evolution. Once DNA was discovered after Darwin died, it was revealed that DNA was the key behind evolution and gene mutations were what allowed for change through generations. He also theorized that all species came from pre-existing species, and all species shared a common ancestor, which he named common descent. In the study of embryos, it shows that in the early stages of embryo growth, most embryos look very similar to each other, and can barely be differentiated from their species. As they enter the next stages of development, DNA switches turn on to activate certain genes that will determine their chances of survival in their habitat. However, the fact that all species look similar to each other in the beginning proves the fact that all species come from a common ancestor, and DNA allows them to grow into their respective bodies. This proves that the discovery of DNA strongly supports Darwin’s theory of evolution.


What is embryology? How does its study lead us to understand evolution?

How does it change the way we view evolution today…

Currently, scientists have learned more about DNA and how mutations affect human development. One example is microcephaly, which is a condition that passed down genetically from parent to child that affects brain development because the baby’s head isn’t able to grow large enough to accommodate the growing brain. Now, we are able to understand the genetic mutations that occur, and there is now a way to test parents to see if they have the defective gene that causes microcephaly so they can plan ahead and be prepared on how to raise a child with microcephaly.

Microcephaly: Causes, Symptoms And Treatment

and into the future?

In the future, we can continue to learn more about DNA and how mutations in DNA affect human development. In the past scientists discovered that even though there is only a 1% difference in the DNA of humans and chimps, the main thing that makes us so much more advanced than chimps are the switches in the genes, rather than the actual genes themselves. The genes were located in the brain, so our thinking is higher level than chimps and other animals. Studying how gene switches affect us and how they affect other organisms is something that can be useful in the future of learning how humans and other animals evolved.

Genetic Difference Between Humans and Chimps - Pediaa.Com


Unknown Author. What Is Embryology? How Does Its Study Lead Us to Understand Evolution? Toppr, 10/19/22,  https://www.toppr.com/ask/question/what-is-embryology-how-does-its-study-lead-us-to/.

Bharat, Divya. “Microcephaly: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment.” Netmeds, 9 June 2020, www.netmeds.com/health-library/post/microcephaly-causes-symptoms-and-treatment.

Lakna, By. “Genetic Difference Between Humans and Chimps.” Pediaa.Com, 10/20/22, pediaa.com/genetic-difference-between-humans-and-chimps.