I really enjoyed the chat my class and I got to have with Tanya Harrison, a planetary scientist and a PHD student in geology at the university of Western Ontario, just as our class had done before with Karishma(https://myriverside.sd43.bc.ca/kelseav2015/2016/04/20/google-hangout-blog-response/). It was originally planned to record and live stream but we had a few technical difficulties and it had to be cut short (video chat).
My classmates took turns individually going up to ask the question/s they had prepared last day. These included, her opinion on the colonization of mars, her struggles and interest, etc. We actually got to hear about the evidence of water on mars strait from Tanya herself.
I’m glad I got to learn more about mars from someone with great interest in it.
you did a very good gob on your blog post. I like how you embedded the video. good job!