Humans in Space

Station 1 :

Identify the three types of space probes, and describe the purpose of each.

  1.  Interplanetary: the purpose of this space probe is to fly by celestial bodies.
  2. Orbiters: these probes are placed in orbit around a celestial body.
  3.  Landers: these probes land on the surface of a celestial body.


Describe three milestones in space exploration that you think are interesting ( include the data, name of the mission &/or probe/ship, and why you think it is important).

  1. First Animal in Orbit: Mission Sputnik 2, November 3, 1957. A dog named laika was sent into orbit and survived the launch, but it was found that although having a weeks supply of food she died within hours, this was possibly due to a life support failure causing her canister to over heat. This mission is important because although the dog had died it was the first time that a living creature was sent into orbit.
  2. First Human in Space: April 12, 1961, the Soviet Union launches cosmonaut Yuri A. Gagarin on a 108-minute flight. Gagarin becomes the first to successfully orbit the globe. His spaceship, however, is not designed to land at a safe speed, so on the descent, Gagarin jumps out and parachutes the final few thousand meters. This is an important event because he was the first human in space and was able to survive, it was a landmark in history, and it is also impressive that he landed without his spaceship.
  3. First Manned Moon Landing: July 20, 1969, The lunar module of Apollo 11, nicknamed the Eagle, touches down on the moon, with 30 seconds’ worth of fuel to spare. Neil Armstrong and Edwin “Buzz” Aldrin, Jr., descend to the surface. This event was important because it was the very first time a human had gone to the moon, and we were able to learn more about our surroundings

Station 2 :

Explain the relationship between spending time in space and the following:

Sense of spinning: While in space it is hard for your body to adjust, for example, your inner ear, it tells your body when you are moving or stopped, or when you are lying on your side but, when you’re in space that small mechanism goes awry, which often cause astronauts to experience things such as motion sickness for a day or so after entering microgravity. Many have also experienced this after re-entering our planet’s pull.

Bones and Muscles: While on earth body parts such as your muscles, bones, and even your heart work a fair amount to keep our bodies moving. Scientists have found that while in space we do not have the downward force of gravity, causing our bodies to become weaker, this is due to the fact that they don’t have to work as much as they do on earth.

Body fluid: Without gravity the fluids in our bodies float to our heads. This fluidic drift can cause serious conditions including pressure on the optic nerves, which can effect your vision.

Cosmic radiation: Earths magnetic field provides a form of natural shielding that protects us from a good amount of high energy radiation. Out side of this zone artificial shielding on the ISS partially protects astronauts from radiation exposure, but isn’t effective for all radiation types which leaves some astronauts more susceptible to cancer and other long term health risks.


Watch the video of astronaut Chris Hadfield making a PB&J in space and find another video.


Station 3:

Choose a Canadian astronaut (CSA link) – describe one mission that this astronaut participated in. Give the personal history of that astronaut.

Chris Hadfield

Mission: On December 19th, 2012, Chris Hadfield went on a Soyuz spacecraft to the ISS (International space station) to carry out scientific experiments, to operate Canadarm2, and perform robotics tasks.

History: Born August 29, 1959, in Sarnia, and raised in Milton, Ontario. Chris Hadfield is married to Helene Hadfield, they have three children. He enjoys skiing, playing guitar, singing, riding, writing, running, and playing volleyball and squash.He also Graduated as an Ontario Scholar from Milton District High School in 1977; Received a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering (with honours), Royal Military College, Kingston, Ontario, Canada, in 1982; Conducted post-graduate research at the University of Waterloo, Ontario in 1982; Received a Master of Science in aviation systems at the University of Tennessee in 1992.


Choose a future NASA mission – explain the objective of the mission, and any relevant details (where, when, etc.).

Mid-Infrared Instrument: will image stars and galaxies in infrared light.

Objective: Data from the instrument will contribute to investigations about the evolution of the universe and the search for the first-ever episode of star formation, or “first light.”

Details: This mission is set to launch in 2018. Launch location: Guiana Space Centre, French Guiana.




Expanding Universe

Untitled (2)lab (2)Untitled (3)chart (2)
What did you do in this lab?
 In this lab we blew up a balloon slightly and drew dot’s on it, then we measured the distances between the dot’s. Then we would then blow up the balloon to half of its size and measure the distances once again, then finally we blew up the balloon as large as we could and measured the distance of the dot’s one last time. We did this to show how the distance between the galaxies get farther apart.
What did the balloon and dots represent?
 During this lab the balloon was used to represent the universe whereas the dot’s were used to represent the different galaxies.
What was the trend in your expansion distance?
 These are the expansion differences we found:
  • A – 1.6
  • B – 3.4
  • C – 3.1
  • D – 7
  • E – 5

 To find the expansion difference you subtract the data from the barely inflated balloon from that of the fully inflated balloon. When we were analyzing these numbers we couldn’t find the “trend” or anything that they had in common with one another.

 What is your opinion on the value of the activity? What are some things your still curious about?

I liked this astronomy lab because it showed how the galaxies move apart from one another in a simple way to understand. What I would like to know is does the universe have an ending point or does it not have an end?

Mutation Story

Part 1: Mutation Story

My name is  Hutchinson-Gilford syndrome, but you can call me progeria for short. I am a negative genetic mutation inside of 10 year old Sarah’s body. I am a rare gene found in few children that causes their body to age fast. My siblings and I only affect 1 in 4 million children of all  races and genders. For Sarah her body is what is most affected by my appearance.

Progeria mutationSarah’s mutation wasn’t inherited from her parents, Sarah was born with my mutation which was caused by the LMNA gene that makes a protein called lamin A. The protein lamin A plays a part in determining the shape of the nucleus within a cell. I was the result of a production of an abnormal version of the protein lamin A. The abnormal protein causes the nuclear envelope to become unstable, damaging the nucleus, making the cells more likely to die prematurely.

-3750429e192ad493I affect Sarah more physically than internally.  When Sarah was born she looked like any other healthy newborn baby and then began to show symptoms of having progeria and diagnosed before the age of two. my mutation caused Sarah to have a large head, big eyes, aged looking skin, abnormal tooth growth, hair loss including eyelashes and eyebrows, loss of body fat, fragile bones, and causes Sarah to have a high pitched voice. There is no way for Sarah to get rid of me, but she can have surgeries that limit complications that Sarah may have like heart attacks and strokes.


My host Sarah has always had hard times doing things that all kids are able to do and usually suffers from muscle pains. Most children living with progeria die at the average age of 13 but some are known to have lived longer than that age. Sarah goes to school like any other child, although she has a larger head her brain wasn’t affected. Some people stare at Sarah because she looks different but she acts the same as any other kid. It makes me feel bad for causing Sarah hardships and knowing that because of me we will both die at a young age.

Links Used:


Part 2: The Making of the Mutation Story


What questions did you need to research in order to create your Mutation Story?

At first I just searched progeria and then later on to narrow the search and get more details I searched things such as, what genetic mutation causes progeria?, and what its like living with progeria.


 What New familiar Digital tools did you try to use as you worked through this project?

I mainly used google, and google images, but I also used the Genetics home reference website which I thought was reliable. As I worked through this project I would find pages that I thought to be reliable and I would bookmark them to use later.


What was the process you used to investigate the topic?

At first I just did a general search of progeria and then later on to narrow the search and get more details I searched things like what genetic mutation causes progeria?, and what its like living with progeria and then branched off from there by writing down the information I thought was useful in a notebook and copying that down into my story.


 How did you verify and cite the information you found?

I would look at the question I was trying to answer then I would look through a couple websites to see if they all had common information.


How did the process of completing this challenge go? What could you Have done better?

I think that the process went fairly well for me and I found that it was fun learning about my mutation and writing the story. I think what I could have done better was present my story in a more engaging way like a PowerPoint or Prezi, and to write in a more interesting way.

Edible DNA

Step 1:                                      Step 2:                                     Step 3:

IMG_1299          IMG_1294          IMG_1297


How are chromosomes, DNA, and  genes related to one another?

Chromosomes, DNA, and Genes are related to one another because a chromosome is made up on DNA, and a gene is a section of DNA from one chromosome that has the instructions to build one protein. This is what makes the three related to one another.


What do each represent:

Black licorice:

  • The black licorice represents part of the sugar/phosphate backbone in the DNA

Red licorice:

  • The red licorice represents the other part of the sugar/phosphate backbone in the DNA


  • The toothpicks represent the bonds between the bases and backbones


  • The marshmallows represent the different bases

Pink: Cytosine (C)

Yellow: Adenine (A)

Green: Guanine (G)

Orange: Thymine (T)


Did this activity help you understand DNA?

Yes, this lab better helped me grasp the concepts that we had learned in class about DNA. It helped me visualise what a strand of DNA might look like and how the bases would be placed on the DNA to create its own unique code.


2 Types of Charge

What charge does vinyl carry? When?

Vinyl carries a negative charge after it is rubbed together with wool.


What charge does acetate carry? When?

Acetate carries a positive charge after it is rubbed together with cotton.


What happens when two positively charged objects are close together?

When two positively charged objects are close together the two objects repel each other.



What happens when two negatively charged objects are close together?

When two negatively charged objects are close together the two objects repel one another.



What happens when positive + negative objects are close together?

When a positive and negative charged  objects are close together they attract each other.



what happens when a neutral object is close to a charged object?

When a neutral object is close to a charged object they will attract one another.




Compound project: Calcium Oxide

Calcium%20Oxide calcium-oxide-250x250

Compound Name(s): Calcium Oxide, Lime, Quicklime

Formula: CaO

Physical properties:

  • Solid, can be seen as lumps or granular powder, white to pale yellow/brown, odorless
  • Density: 3.34 cm3
  • Melting point: 2572°C
  • Boiling point: 2850°C

Chemical properties:

  • When dissolved in water creates Calcium Hydroxide, Ca(OH)2
  • calcium oxide will react with carbon dioxide to form calcium carbonate, Ca(CO3)

Calcium Oxide uses:

  • Calcium oxide is created by burning limestone, it can be used in a wide range of professional, industrial, and consumer purposes.
  • Calcium Oxide can be used in a mixture for the production of articles that can be used for vehicles, construction, fabrics, wood, rubber, plastics, leather and more.

Curiosity questions:


Are there any environmental effects caused when calcium oxide/Calcium hydroxide is released into the environment?

  • When released into the environment, calcium oxide reacts with water to create calcium hydroxide. Severe effects calcium hydroxide has had on the environment are considered to be caused by pH changes. Calcium hydroxide is considered not to be harmful to the environment.

What is the hazard identification for calcium oxide?

  • Calcium oxide is identified as a corrosive material, exposure to the chemical can effect the body if it is inhaled, comes in contact with your eyes or skin, or is digested. severe burns may also be a result with long-term exposure of Calcium oxide.



Are their any side affects of Calcium Oxide/Calcium Hydroxide when one consumes it?
  • The intake of Calcium Hydroxide can cause an upset stomach. It causes significant damage/irritation to your gastrointestinal tract. This results in side affects such as nausea, vomiting or severe abdominal pain.
Is their a reaction created when Calcium Oxide is combined with Calcium Carbonate?
  • Yes. When Calcium Oxide and Calcium Carbonate mix, they create a form called Calcium Carbonate.





Matter Matters

Define: The problem is that we are trying to inform people about matter in an engaging way.

a. These concepts may not be common knowledge and may be hard to understand for somebody who isn’t familiar with them.

b.  They explain what matter is in a more detailed way, and are all connected to matter.

c. By making it visually appealing and attracts your attention as well as informs you.

Dream:  I movie, game, kahoot, crossword, video, movie, play, song, poster, PowerPoint.

Design and Deliver: My partner and I decided to deliver our information by making a PowerPoint.  *having trouble with posting the power point*

matter matters 1








Debrief: I think the process in dealing with this project went fairly smoothly and our end result was good. I think what we did well is that we thought of a lot of different ways to present our information. What we could have done better was make the information even more engaging by adding a game or a little activity.

Oobleck Lab

1. Describe the properties of Chemical A and Chemical B.

  • Chemical A: White in color, opaque, powdery substance, smooth texture, smells like corn starch, solid.
  • Chemical B: No color, Clear/transparent, no smell, liquid.

2. Describe the properties and behavior of Oobleck.

  • The oobleck was white in color, smelled of corn starch, and appeared to be a liquid.
  • While observing the behavior of the oobleck you start to notice that the oobleck appears to act as both a solid and a liquid, for example, if the oobleck is being touched or played in a fast motion it feels like a soft solid object similar to playdough, however if you were to hold the oobleck in your hand it would act as a liquid.

3.   Do you think Oobleck is a gas, liquid, or solid? Why?

  • I think that the oobleck is a liquid although it acts as both a solid and a liquid. I think it is a liquid because the particles in a liquid do not take any particular shape and take up the space of the container it is in, I think that the description of particles in a liquid compared to that of a solid relate more to the particles in the oobleck.

4. Reflect on this lab: how did it help you understand KMT?

  • This lab helped me understand KMT because it gives you a better understanding of the changes of state like solidification (freezing ), and melting.

