This stop motion video is based on “Taming of the Shrew” a comedic play written by William Shakespeare.
This Stop motion was created by Joy, keisha, Jenna. Joy’s role during the creation of the stop motion project was to download the stop motion app, take the photo’s, upload the video to youtube, narrate scenes, and to bring in the lego needed. Keisha also contributed by writing the storyboard, moving the characters, bringing in lego, and narrating scenes. Jenna contributed by narrating scenes, and writing out the treatment plan.
The induction scene in the play is used as the opening act and sets the tone or feeling for the main act, an inset is used to describe a play within in a play. We demonstrated the induction scene for the majority of our take on “Taming of the Shrew” by showing the story of Christopher Sly and the Lord’s prank. The inset can be seen near the end of our video when the players perform their play for Christopher Sly and his wife.
For our project we used an app called “stop motion” to film our video, it was a simple app to use because you only needed to move your characters and take photo’s as well as a simple navigation system. We had decided to use Lego to present our version of “Taming of the Shrew” in a way different from a stage play.
Some of the challenges that occurred during the making of the stop motion was getting the narration to match with the scenes, we had a hard time making sure we met the minimum of two minutes, and we had problems with getting the audio to work on the app.
What we learned during the project was how to use the stop motion app, we also gained a better understanding of the induction scene from the play.