Recette: Soupe de Légumes et de Bœuf



  • 1 cuillère à soupe d’huile d’olive
  • 1 ½ tasses de bœuf coupé en cubes
  • 1 gros oignon émincé
  • 1 tasse de carottes émincées
  • 1 tasse de céleri émincé
  • 1 tasse de haricots verts
  • 2 pommes de terre coupées en cubes
  • 8 tasses de bouillon de bœuf
  • 2 feuilles de laurier
  • 1 cuillère à café d’ail en poudre
  • 1 boîte de tomates coupées
  • 1 cuillère à café de thym
  • 1 cuillère à café d’origan
  • Du sel
  • Du poivre


  1. Faites chauffe ½ cuillère à soupe d’huile d’olive dans une grande casserole. Ajouter le bœuf et cuire jusqu’à c’est brun. Mettre le bœuf sur une assiette.
  2. Baisser la température et ajouter ½ cuillère à soupe d’huile d’olive dans la casserole. Ajouter l’oignon, remuer. Ajouter les carottes, les haricots verts, le céleri et les pommes de terre, remuer pour trois minutes.
  3. Prendre le sel, le poivre, le thym, l’origan et l’ail en poudre et ajouter dans la casserole, bien remuer.
  4. Ajouter les ingrédients restants et le bœuf, mélange. Faites bouillit la mixture.
  5. Faites mijote la soupe pour 20 – 30 minutes.
  6. Ajuster l’assaisonnement. Sortir les feuilles de laurier.


Je choisis la soupe de légumes et de bœuf pour ma recette parce que c’est une recette de ma famille. Ma grand-mère fait cette recette souvent et la soupe est toujours délicieuse. J’aime manger la soupe de légumes et de bœuf parce que c’est très riche et goûteuse. Quand je suis malade, j’aime manger cette soupe.

Periodicity Assignment

Atomic radius versus atomic number

Which is the largest of the first 54 elements?

  • Rubidium (0.216 nm)

Describe how the atomic radius varies within a period and within a family.

  • The atomic radii decreases from left to right along each period and increases from top to bottom of the group.

Use your graph to predict the atomic radius of the following elements:

  • (a) cesium ~ 0.252
  • (b)   tungsten ~ 0.142
  • (c)    thallium ~ 0.167
  • (d)   radon ~ 0.136

Which group of the main group elements contains the largest elements?

  • The 1st group of main elements

Ionization energy versus atomic number

How would you explain ionization energy to your partner?

  • Ionization energy is a quantity of energy and is the amount of energy needed to remove an electron. Usually, the closer the electrons are to the nucleus, the higher ionization energy it will have.

How does the ionization energy vary within a period and within a family?

  • when you move to the right of a period the number of electrons increases and makes it easier for ionization. This ionization energy will decrease from the top to bottom of a family or group.

Which element on your graph has the strongest hold of its valence electrons?

  • helium has the strongest hold of its valence electrons. This is because helium has a full valence electron shell. Helium is also furthest to the right and in the top row of elements meaning that it has a high ionization energy.

Write the electron configuration for chlorine.

  • Cl -> 1s2 2s2 2p6 3s2 3p5

Which electron is lost when 1251 kJ/mol of energy are applied to a sample of chlorine atoms?

  • When 1251 kJ/mol of energy is applied to a sample of chlorine, it will lose its valence electron.

Compare the ionization energies of metals to nonmetals.

  • Nonmetals have high ionization energies because they usually will gain electrons to form negative ions and have strong attractions for their valance electrons  Metals have low ionization energies because they take smaller amounts of energy to remove these electrons from the atom.

Melting point versus atomic number

Describe the trend of melting points within a period

  • The melting points within a period will increase due to the strength between the metallic bonds. The number of electrons, that each atom can contribute to be shared among more than two atoms in a molecule, increases. Atoms will also get smaller and contain more protons as you move from left to right.

Which group of elements tends to have the highest melting points.

  • Metals tend to have the highest melting points, the stronger that the bonds are, the more energy is need to break them to change the state of the element.

Tungsten is used in incandescent light bulbs because it has an extremely high melting point. Which element on your chart could be a reasonable replacement for tungsten? Why?

  • Carbon is a reasonable replacement for tungsten because it has the highest melting point of all elements

Density versus atomic number

Describe how density varies within a period.

  • The density increase as you move from left to right and from top to bottom. As you get to the gaseous the density will be much lower that those of the solids.

Compare the densities of the elements in the second period with the elements in the third period.

  • The third period is denser than the second period because it is further away from the left side of the periodic table. When you move from left to right on the periodic table the density will increase in number.

Assume that the transition metals given in the table are representative of the other members of this group. How do the densities of the transition metals compare with those of the elements in the main  group?

  • Transition metals have the highest densities of any group on the periodic table, and their densities increase steadily and gradually compared to the elements in the main group which densities that aren’t as high.

Explain why aluminum and magnesium are more suitable than iron for use in some airplane parts.

  • Since the material used in an aircraft need to be lightweight, aluminum and magnesium are the most suitable for being used for aircraft parts. The combination of the two elements makes the aircraft light and durable.

Electronegativity versus atomic number

Describe how electronegativity varies within a period.

  • As you move from left to right across a period the electronegativity will increase.

Describe how electronegativity varies within a family.

  • As you move from the top to bottom of a group or family the electronegativity of an element will decrease, this is because the increased number of energy levels puts the outer electrons further from the pull of the nucleus.

Flame Test Lab

In this lab we sprayed different compounds onto a Bunsen burner flame to see how they would react with each other. After spraying each compound, the colour of the flame would change. Each compound had its own unique colour.

Why does each compound produce its own unique colour?

The reason that each compound produces its own unique colour is because, each different compound will release various amounts of energy. The amount of energy that is released will determine the colour or the wavelength of the amount of light that is emitted. This reaction occurs when high energy leveled electrons jump down to lower energy levels creating wavelengths and in turn creating the different colours.







The Great War Memory: Gas Mask

What does this artifact tell us about the First World War?

What this photo tells us about WW1 is that chemical weapons were being used in the war. The Germans were the first to attack using chemical weapons, stunning their enemy with chlorine gas and killing many. After this attack their enemy was quick to react by creating the gas mask in order to provide protection against the Germans chemical attacks. After the first gas mask was made using cotton pads and cloth, they kept improving on the design and preventing damage to the eyes, and neck. Though the gas masks protected soldiers against the chlorine gas they weren’t able to protect against the gas which was used later on in the war. The gas mask marked a milestone as it was a symbol of the use of chemical weapons.

Chapitre 3 et 4 Étudier

Pour chapitre 3, je trouve les expressions avec faire et des prepositions difficile.

les expressions avec faire:

des prepositions:


Pour chapitre 4, je trouve les Adjectifs qui précèdent le nom et Verbes pronominaux difficile.

les Adjectifs qui précèdent le nom:


Verbes pronominaux:

Chapitre 3 et 4 Revision

A. Complète les phrases avec des activités differentes.

  1. Quand il fait chaud je fais de la natation.
  2. Quand il neige tu fais du ski.
  3. Au printemps nous faisons du vélo.
  4. En automne vous faites des randonnées.
  5. Quand il pleut elles lisent des livres.

B. Choisi la bonne préposition.

  1. Il a passé un mois en Colombie Britannique puis en Floride.
  2. Nous allons en Ontario pour rendre visite à notre famille.
  3. Le match de hockey est joué au Danemark.
  4. Ils sont invités aux Philippines à un mariage.
  5. Il part aux États-Unis pour visiter ses amis.
  6. Je viens de Chine et elle vient de France.
  7. Mes parents reviennent aux Bahamas.
  8. Ma meilleure amie reside à Dublin.
  9. Mon amie Charlotte habite en Belgique.
  10. Ma soeur est Américaine. Elle vient à New York.

C. Ecris 10 phrases en utilisant 10 verbes pronominaux différents. Utilise tous les pronoms (je, tu, il, elle, on, nous, vous, ils, elles)

  1. je me reveille à huit heures du matin.
  2. Tu te brosses les cheveux dans la salle de bain.
  3. il s’habille pour la fête.
  4. elle se lave les mains.
  5. on ne s’amuse pas en classe.
  6. nous nous’assoyons à la table.
  7. vous ne vous rasez pas en hiver.
  8. ils se couchent à minuit.
  9. elles se prominent avec leurs amies.
  10. je me maquille toujours pour l’école.

D. Place l’adjectif correctement et accorde le. 

  1. (ville (f)/petit) La petite ville.
  2. (acteurs/drole) Les acteurs drôles.
  3. (femme/beau) La belle femme.
  4. (artistes/creatif) Les artistes créatives.
  5. (homme/beau) Le beau homme.

E. Choisis un acteur/actrice ou un chanteur/chanteuse. Décris cette personne, utilise 3 traits physiques et 3 adjectifs. N’oublie pas d’accorder.

C’est Selena Gomez. Elle est une actrice et une chanteuse. Elle a les cheveux bruns et courts. Elle a le visage rond est elle a nez retroussé. Selens Gomez est gentile. Elle est généreuse. Elle est trés travailleuse.