Define: The problem is that we are trying to inform people about matter in an engaging way.
a. These concepts may not be common knowledge and may be hard to understand for somebody who isn’t familiar with them.
b. They explain what matter is in a more detailed way, and are all connected to matter.
c. By making it visually appealing and attracts your attention as well as informs you.
Dream: I movie, game, kahoot, crossword, video, movie, play, song, poster, PowerPoint.
Design and Deliver: My partner and I decided to deliver our information by making a PowerPoint. *having trouble with posting the power point*
Debrief: I think the process in dealing with this project went fairly smoothly and our end result was good. I think what we did well is that we thought of a lot of different ways to present our information. What we could have done better was make the information even more engaging by adding a game or a little activity.