The Sea Devil

The Sea Devil

By: Arthur Gordon

Vocabulary:  Please write the definitions for the following words, then select three words to put into a sentence.

  • lagoon – an area of shallow water separated from the sea by low sandy dunes.

Compare laguna.

  • mullet – any of several marine or freshwater, usually gray fishes of the family Mugilidae, having a nearly cylindrical body.
  • skiff – any of various types of boats small enough for sailing or rowing by one person.

pliant – bending readily; flexible; supple; adaptable:

She manipulated the pliant clay.

  • gunwale – the upper edge of the side or bulwark of a vessel
  • mottled – spots or blotches of a different color or shade.
  • pinioned – the distal or terminal segment of the wing of a bird consisting of the carpus, metacarpus, and phalanges.
  • barnacles – are sticky little crustaceans related to crabs, lobsters, and shrimps.
  • channel – a navigable route between two bodies of water.
  • sullen – gloomy or dismal, as weather or a sound


Sentence #1: The rock had lots of barnacles growing on it.

Sentence #2: The tree branch was very pliant when the wind was blowing.

Sentence #3: The boy’s face was mottled by measles.

A Mountain Journey

A Mountain Journey

By: Howard O’Hagan

Vocabulary: Please write the definitions for the following words, then choose three words to put into a sentence.

  • trapper – a person whose business is the trapping of animals for their furs.
  • siwashing – to camp out without a tent or supplies.
  • summit – the highest point or part, as of a hill, a line of travel, or any object; top; apex.

billows – any surging mass: billows of smoke.

bannock –a flat cake made of oatmeal, barley meal, etc., usually baked on a griddle.

  • cadaverous – of or like a corpse.
  • inertia – inertness, especially with regard to effort, motion, action, and the like; inactivity; sluggishness.

Sentence #1:The smoke billows across the sky.

Sentence #2: I have not gone to the summit.

Sentence #3: I ate bannock with my dinner.

The Friday Everything Changed

The Friday Everything Changed

By: Anne Hart

Vocabulary:  Please write the definitions for the following words, then choose three words to put into a sentence.

  • pump – a thing for raising or compressing air or gas in an object
  • remotest –out of the way secluded a remote village a remote mountaintop
  • bombshell – a bomb
  • clustered – a number of things of the same kind growing or held together a bunch a cluster of grapes
  • pasture – also called grassland
  • inspector – a person who looks at things to make sure there are no problems Sentence #2: The cows eat the grass in the pasture.
  • Sentence #3: The inspector the check house for any ants.
  • Sentence #1: I pump the wheels.

Meg’s First Day

Meg’s First Day

By: Deborah Kent

Vocabulary: Please write the definitions for the following words, then choose three words to put into a sentence.

  • hubbub – a loud, confused noise, as of many voices
  • sympathy – harmony of or agreement in feeling, as between persons or on the part of one person with respect to another.
  • conspicuous – easily seen or noticed; readily visible or observable:
  • jostling – to bump, push, shove, brush against, or elbow roughly or rudely.
  • independence – freedom from the control, influence, support, aid, or the like, of others.
  • maneuver – a planned and regulated movement or evolution of troops, warships, etc.
  • succotash – a cooked dish of kernels of corn mixed with shell beans, especially lima beans, and, often, with green and sweet red peppers.