Compost in Johannesburg
-Johannesburg, South Africa, 2004
-they are learning how to grow there own vegetables organically which has used less fossil fuel-fertilizers and chemical pesticides. soil erosion and water shortages and health effects on growers are less than conventional farmers.
-For most people this would be a good way to consume vegetables. Some cons are it takes time, money, resources, and land space. Pros are up above and also it would be more healthy for you. this is not that effective because most people can’t grow there own food.
Solar Cooker
-Burkina Faso
-a solar cooker uses energy from the sun to cook food such as meat, vegetables, etc. Solar coolers can keep more nutrients in food. in some countries this could be helpful because some people have to walk a long way to get fire wood. It is clean and emits less fuels and is economically good. this uses less wood which can help to preserve our forests. Biomass and petroleum fueled cooking fires pollute the air and contribute to global warming.
-Solar cooker cons are they can only be used when sun is out. This could be a alternative when going camping, etc.


-In Sweden they convert their garbage into usable energy. They provide direct heating to 950,000 households and electricity to 260,000 homes. They recycle and sort their trash and less then 1% ends up in landfills. They also import trash from other European countries to fuel its power needs. They ask other countries for their trash because they run out.

-In India, a chemist came up with a method to pave the streets with plastic. They have transformed common plastic litter into a substitute for bitumen. This method saves money as well, the cheaper plastic substitute replaces as much as 15% of the more expensive bitumen usually used.

These countries have made methods that help with their environs such as Sweden, they have made their waste into to energy as heat and heat homes and that helps them because it gets very cold. We should many methods and try them.