Careers and Conversations Reflection

I had the opportunity to speak with many guests with various careers. I got to talk to 6 people, Sara Bynoe, Jessica Anderson, Vadim Egorov, Lindsey Jackson, Jessica Callergo, and Ken Britton. I really enjoyed speaking with everyone and learning about there jobs. Two people that inspired me were Jessica Anderson and Jessica Callergo. Jessica Anderson inspired me because of the variety of her job inspired me. She really enjoys her job because of the flexibility she has and how she does other jobs such as teaches yoga. I wasn’t very interested in her job but I liked the environment of her job that she explained. Jessica Callergo also inspired me because it was the job I was most interested in. She is a personal trainer that teaches people from all around the world. I am interested in sciences and the human body so this was one of the jobs that stood out the most for me. The soft skills required for this job would be being able to communicate with people. Hard skills would be to know the body and how to help your patients.  I found the Careers and conversations morning a valuable experience because I liked hearing peoples opinions about their job. I would have loved for there to be more jobs I would have been interested in such as doctors, etc. I really enjoyed this experience.