Child Labour Then and Now

Thailand The country  Thailand is an Asian country located in Southeastern Asia, bordering the Andaman Sea and the Gulf of Thailand, southeast of Burma. Its neighbouring countries are Myanmar in the west, Laos in the northeast and Cambodia in the southeast. It is the only Southeast asian country never to have been colonized by European […]


This is our skit on CPR (choking) Analyze & Assess I think that we followed ACT protocol correctly; Katie was able to recognize that Aileen was not ok and asked her if she was choking. When Aileen was showing the universal sign for choking Wendy came and she knew how to react. She asked Aileen if she could cough […]

Collaboration Fluency

My sway project on aquatic biome: For our collaboration fluency project, we were supposed to work together as a group to research biomes on sway and share the information. My group of 3 with Aileen and Evelina chose each of the biomes we wanted to research and planned how to split up the work. I […]