Synthesis Essay Corrections

I am proud of my seamlessly integrated quotes that helped me support my evidence I am proud of the strong details and reasons I had in my essay that show insight. I could improve on having clearer introduction and a more insightful “so what”. I could also improve on my conclusion with a more powerful […]

English 11 Reflections

Throughout this semester, English helped me earn a variety of things. The idea of censorship and how it affects media/society broadened my view on what happens in society. I liked all the poems and spoken words as they showed me different perceptions of minorities such as immigrants, Indigenous people, and transgender people. The identity unit […]

Design Thinking

My team’s problem was immigrants and in order to solve the problem, we had to create a solution. We decided to use media and famous people to influence citizens. It would help welcome immigrants when they feel insecure of speaking up for themselves. We used an example of Oprah and how we believed she would […]

Politics of Identity- Final Question

Do you think Joseph Boyden should write stories about the Indigenous people of Canada? Why or why not? I believe Joseph Boyden should continue writing stories about the Indigenous people as long as he is respectful to their culture, history, and the people. His stories should not portray any negativity or hatred towards the Indigenous […]

Fulfill Life or Be Censored?

Two things I did well: I had clear points and examples to support my main ideas. I had well-integrated quotes to explain my reasons and explanations. Two things I could improve on: Have a smoother flow in my writing to transition between each idea. Have more insightful details and explanations that include reflections.  

Beatty’s Lecture

In the novel, “Fahrenheit 451”, by Ray Bradbury, Beatty is convinced that society is content without the knowledge obtained from books as it is a potential threat to the government and capital. As technology, mass exploitation, and minority pressure appears, books start to be ignored and change the perspective in society. The information contained inside […]