Beating Malaria

Malaria is an extensive disease that has killed millions of people, but the news of eradicating it interested me. It was intriguing because the article reveals that we only need to focus on improving the management, creating innovative tools, and managing finances to finally beat malaria. There is always an insufficiency to universal healthcare and one small, but significant improvements like this opens up pathways for change. It demonstrates that equality in society can be achieved through just a few alterations to human behaviour. That way, everyone can get the healthcare they deserve no matter where they are on the social hierarchy. I have always strongly believed that every single person should have the basic healthcare. This can be achieved through innovations and human management, as emphasized in the article; furthermore, people should cooperate so others are not ostracized from the rest. To explain malaria eradication, the author uses multiple rhetorical strategies and literary devices to further describe her points. For example, parallelism is utilized as the author states, “…health issue, it’s also an equality issue, a social justice issue…” which depicts how malaria covers multiple facets of society, not just health. It allows emphasis on points that she hopes more people would pay attention to. The author’s integration of quotes also supports her facts to fully address the issue. This article relates to how Greta Thunberg, a young climate and environmental activist, explains that there are four simple steps to combat climate change. Her article deals with how people can take initiative to face climate change like the malaria article. Small change in steps as portrayed in both articles can eventually improve the society as a whole.

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