Are writers and artists as important to society as scientists and engineers?

There are numerous people who make an impact on the world including scientists and engineers who continue to move our society forward. However, writers and artists can be just as significant as them. People have their own preferences of what they enjoy and have passion for, and there are people who influence them even more. Whether, it is listening to music, reading a book or attempting to build your own software, everything is important to each individual. Writers and artists create creative ideas through their artwork, stories, and songs that later provide the scientist to actually construct it. Artists and writers express their emotions and beauty of the world through their original artwork or projects. Many people think that scientists and engineers are the centre of our society that drive us forward to making new advanced technologies, but those designs and plans in the first place can be derived from the innovative artists. Scientists and engineers may think in a structured, straightforward way, so contributing with the creative thinkers can also alter the world. Every person thinks in a different way or process, so artists and writers can equally be a significant source to society.

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