Architecture Mathematics Inquiry Project

My inquiry project is based on architectural mathematics and I first started off with the question: How have advancements in mathematics improve our architecture? As I started to do more research I was interested in how buildings have evolved from the primitive to today and what type of math concepts were used. Then, I began to look into irregular shaped buildings which led me to my further questions.

Main Question: How have advancements in mathematics improve our architecture?

Further Questions: 

Is there a limit to what kinds of buildings we can make in the future as technology advances?

What type of machines do we need in order to build those future buildings?

Would a new math concept be discovered if those future buildings were to be made?

Next Step: If I had more time work on this inquiry project it would be interesting to research the remaining 2 main topics for architecture and to go deeper into the content I have in my presentation. It would also be nice to have an actual blueprint of a building and see what calculations they have, so I could analyze it. Getting a professional in the architecture area could help me expand and understand my topic much better.

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