Find the Right Gas!

Our experiment was involved with chemical equations/reactions, flames, and gases. The purpose was to see what chemicals mixed with another would create a specific type of gas that would react with a flame or ember. It was a cool and interesting experiment to see what types of chemical reactions would occur.

Part 1: Calcium Metal and Water

The gas that we were testing for was Hydrogen gas. When the flame came in contact with the gas, there was a loud popping noise as the flame went out. This reaction showed that there was a chemical reaction because when hydrogen gas comes into contact with oxygen (keeps the flame burning), it causes energy to release which creates an “explosion”. The bigger the flame and the amount of Hydrogen gas, the louder the explosion would have been because more oxygen is contained inside the flame, so we knew that we had the right gas for the experiment. Hydrogen gas is used in fertilizers, vegetable oils, bleaching agents and many more. The materials tell us that we should be careful when using household items that could come in contact with flames and that a explosive reaction can occur.

Part 3: Decomposition of Hydrogen Peroxide

The gas we tested for this experiment was Oxygen gas. When the glowing splint came in contact with the gas, there was a small popping noise. The ember also lit into a flame at the same time, so we knew that we had the right gas. Oxygen helps fire ignite so the ember would change to a flame because it is surrounded by oxygen. When hydrogen peroxide decomposes, it releases oxygen. In daily life, it would be helpful knowing the reaction between oxygen gas and fires because you would know the fire would spread quickly because it is getting fuel from oxygen.

Part 4: Sodium Carbonate and Hydrochloric Acid

The gas we tested for this experiment was carbon dioxide gas. When the flaming splint came in contact with the gas, it went out. We knew we had the correct gas because carbon dioxide removes the oxygen which causes the flame to go out since there is no more fuel. In daily life, a specific type of fire extinguisher uses carbon dioxide to put out the fire and so do baking sodas. If you are in an emergency situation with a fire, you could use the 2 materials to extinguish it.




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