Sura, Renowned For Its Korean Cuisine, Satisfies Customers Once Again With Their Appetizing And Exquisite Dishes

Sura is one of the best restaurants in Vancouver when it comes to Korean cuisine. It will leave people in awe and admiration. Waitresses with cordial smiles show where to be seated while greeting in Korean and English. The atmosphere is amiable with harmonious music that soothes the customers and the dim lights to the tranquilization. The wooden benches and chairs with Korean seat cushions give comfort while waiting for the delectable food. Korean traditional drapes with embroidery of miniature foliage hang from the ceiling which brings back memories of the vivid colours in fall. A cherished dish among numerous customers is the tender, supple Bossam which is meticulously cut pork belly simmered in fresh-scented herbs. Radishes on the side give a sweet, luscious punch while the brittle kimchi gives off a fiery, tangy bang. The pungent ginger and garlic scent absorbed into the balmy broth of Samgyetang gives an upset stomach a complete twist. It is like entering a frigid lake during the scorching summer. The warmth of the broth disseminates in the air which boosts the temperature of people’s bodies. Scents of smoky marinated meat, aromatic sesame seed oil, peppery seasonings pack the restaurant while sipping on acidic wine and soju (type of Korean alcohol). This was the first restaurant with my aunt and my family, who has more experience living in a foreign country. It reminded me of the nostalgic times I had in South Korea. My family and I would eat Korean cuisine for special occasions like Korean New Years, Thanksgiving, or birthdays. Whenever we ate Korean cuisine, I would have new and special memories each time. Eating at Sura reminded me of every single memory, so I thought it was a very special night. Thankfully, our aunt paid for the bill as it was a lavish, costly dinner as expected from 5 people who have colossal appetites. Sura may be an unusual place for some but it is a memorable restaurant jammed with succulent food.


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