Article 1: After reading this article, it made me realize how powerful and dangerous social media can be. It made me think of how many things can happen in social media. The article made me become more wary of what I could come across while on social media and some of them could be fake accounts that are targeting someone. Since this generation of people are more engaged in social media people should be more aware of what can affect them. If people come across a fake account that may look like their friend’s, they might accept the request. The fake account may only be trying to stalk people and see what they do on their daily basis while keeping their identity a secret. On the article, “Tim Mather” used an actual picture of a person with the same last name (Adam Mather) and pretended to be him to insult/criticize on the politicians along with “James Galan”. It shows that if you do not research deeper into what might be happening to your personal information, anything bad can occur. This article shows people should be more aware of what accounts they might see on social media and to protect your identity.
Article 2: Similar to article 1 it shows that people should be aware of what they come across on social media. Fake posts about missing children on the article who are not actually missing are just used to draw attention and make it famous. It is very disrespectful and rude to the actual families who’s children have lost their lives in the Manchester attack. The people who posted the pictures of random children who were not a victim in the attack take the situation lightly, which is very rude. Whenever I go on social media, I should always be aware what posts I see because it could be a stolen picture from someone else and it could be posted to only draw attention. The posts about the Manchester attack gave false information and pictures right after the incident which shows it is not true. If it was true, it would’ve have taken more time to gather the information and facts about it. Overall this article affects me because its shows that I should be more aware of what I see on social media next time.