My sway project on aquatic biome:
For our collaboration fluency project, we were supposed to work together as a group to research biomes on sway and share the information. My group of 3 with Aileen and Evelina chose each of the biomes we wanted to research and planned how to split up the work. I wanted to research about aquatic biomes, Aileen wanted to research the Tundra, and Evelina wanted the Tropical rainforest. Since this was a collaboration project, we decided to do 3 sways but we find the information for each of the topics we picked and find videos and pictures for each other. Aileen did my photos, Evelina did my videos and vice versa.
Examine: I think overall our projects went well without any big problems. We each knew what role we had for each of the 3 sways without no problem. When we were first introduced to the project we were confused at first how we should split up the work. After a few minutes we thought of doing something for each person like I explained up above in the first paragraph. We all agreed to each other’s suggestions and communicated well by sending emails if we weren’t sure of something. Our collaborations with each other was not as bad I thought it would be since we didn’t make one person to all the work and making it unfair or strongly disagreeing with something and starting a fight.
If I look back at my presentation, I think I did a pretty good job on it including the essential information on aquatic biomes and each of the categories. My group member did a good job too finding videos and pictures that relate to my text so people can understand it better. Although it took some time researching and typing all the information for each of the little categories, I am proud of the work I did. I thought that while researching about my biome (aquatic biome) I learned a lot about the different regions especially since water is so significant to the earth. An improvement I could’ve made was putting my information in point form so it is simpler and easier for the audience to understand about my biome. I should’ve decreased the length of sentences while the details are still included. Next time, when I get the chance, I will try to shorten the sentences and make it look simpler. Overall, I think this project and collaboration went well as we worked together as a team to research about biomes they choose to do.