After I read this article, I had a bit of an epiphany. I realized that so many people in todays world try so hard to be happy, but can’t because just like the author said happiness “is not something you obtain, but rather something you inhabit.” I would have to completely agree with what the author says in his article. Happiness is so much more than pleasure from things. To be happy one should feel it at all times, people should feel it naturally rather than to have to buy it. When I say buy happiness, I mean buy objects, vacations and friends to make yourself feel happy. Once you can’t buy it anymore the happiness fades. It can be difficult to actually feel happiness, but it’s a matter of trying new things and living a life that isn’t pressuring. I could vouch for this article, whenever I am upset and force myself to be happy, it’s not real happiness. When I don’t think about happiness just go about a good day, I simply feel it. Many people should read this article, I feel as if people would also have a realization that happiness is not something you force upon yourself, but instead come naturally.