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My Riverside Rapid Digital Portfolio
What direction should the BC forestry industry take? I think where we are at with the forestry in BC is good but we can always make it better. We are able to employ many people and as well as providing trade with other countries. If we keep on clear cutting trees in our forests there…
Fires Make sure you have a fire escape plan that everyone knows about and know to stay calm and where the fire extinguisher is and how it use it. In a case of a fire dont go on to any social media, if it is a small fire do what you can to put it…
1. When asked “What defines a Canadian?”, they often answer with symbols: ice hockey, Tim Hortons coffee, wilderness, a canoe and portage, an array of singers – but the list usually comes with an ironic smile http://www.bbc.com/news/world-us-canada-40416696 I picked this site because I agree with what they say about the symbols everyone has said what…
Core Competency: Creative Thinking Skill I almost always try different ways of doing things because if one way did not work i would continue to try something new. Sometimes trying a new way works and other times it does not and i may get pretty frustrated because i have no idea why it is not…
1a) The animal cells looked like big paint blobs. We could only see the cell wall and the nucleus 1b) The plant cells looked like a brick wall with some purple bricks in to. I could only see the cell wall as well. 2) The animal cells was more of a bigger looking clump and…