Nuclear Power – Reflection

The debate on nuclear power is subject to a decision that someone must take based on whether nuclear power hurts more than it helps or helps more than it hurts. Personally, both sides of the nuclear power debate have value and reason but this dispute cannot go on forever. In 1938, Enrico Fermi discovered nuclear […]

The Magic of Light

The magic trick demonstrated in the video above only works because of lights unique characteristics. When light travels through different mediums such as glass and water, the light bends, this is called refraction. The light is both reflecting and refracting as it passes through the mediums of air, water and glass. Glass and air have […]

Wave Phenomena

Constructive Interference: Is when two crests from two different sources meet and the energies combine. Destructive Interference: Is when a crest and trough meet and the energies combined work against eachother. Standing Wave: Is when interfering waves have the same amplitude and wavelength to create a pattern that remains nearly stationary. Nodes are points that […]

Exploring Waves LAB

Pulse Wave: Is a wave that occurs by a one time disturbance or one event. Periodic Wave: Is a wave that reoccurs in specific intervals or has regularly repeating disturbances. Longitudinal Waves: Is a wave that occurs when a spring is compressed and released, the disturbance is in the same direction as which the wave […]

Archimedes Challenge

History The “Holy Water Dispenser” also known as the “First Vending Machine” was invented in in first century A.D. in Greece by Heron, or Hero, of Alexandria (c.10 ad – c.70 ad) who today is a very well known and respected mathematician, inventor and physicist. Throughout his life, Heron created a large number of small […]