Scientific Method Bubble Gum Lab

How does gum stretchability relate to bubble size?

The bigger, thicker bubble that is less elastic would stretch less and break when still thick but the thin and smaller bubble can stretch further as it is able to remain thin and not break when pulled in one direction.

With your lab partner, list 5 variables that may affect the outcome of this experiment. 

  1. Amount of time chewed
  2. Freshly chewed or dry before stretching process
  3. Amount of air we blow and the force we blow with
  4. Measurement Errors/Problem with Scales
  5. Loss of substance (Gum stuck to mouth and nose when it popped)

Explain how the data you collected can be described as both qualitative and quantitative.

The data collected as qualitative was, which gum was described as longer/elastic/thin and the quantitative data was the measurement of the diameter or length of gum when stretched in SI units.

Were SI units used in this lab? Explain.

We used SI units in the lab, we measured the bubble’s diameter and length (when stretched) in centimeters.

Bubble Being Blown

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