Society is Plastic-Poetry by Karolina Mastalerz-Sanchez

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Society is Plastic 
By Karolina Mastalerz-Sanchez
Hello, farewell, goodnight, sleep tight
All we are is cloned dolls
Everything we see is black or white
No one can break down these walls
We are very much alike
Grey clouds like grey streets
Our personalities are ghostlike
We are plasticized pieces of meat
Before, the world was fresh, was clean
Was free from society’s wretched dream
Blue eyes, Brown hair
Everything was different, everywhere
Then came your romance for clones
You ordered us to wear monotoned stripes, stand straight 
Killing our diversity 
Making us all fake
We talked the same
Walked the same
We all became
Slaves of your fame
Identical indistinguishable illusions of perfection
You stitched us up
Plastering smiles on our faces
Telling us to be just like such
It was a status quo cold case
Listen and Do
Action, Reaction
What goes up
Must come down
A rulebook of instructions
Shouted out to us
We were locked up with a gene mutation
Nothing we could do about it
Died the day we gave up
Cold the day we woke up
What do you feel, they screamed in our heads
Nothing, replied our bodies decomposing
The birds they captured are dead
And made a structured mess of blood gushing
We began to grow in number
But Mother Nature was attempting to rid us
Shaking us
Breaking us
Because she doesn’t need us
So our masks came crashing down
Revealing our own chosen mistakes
You see no one can change us
No one can modify us
We only choose to believe that
Opportunities weren’t given
But we were the ones to give in
To fold our cards
Say goodbyes
Announcing our death at doorsteps
All it took
Was a little bit of truth
To look us right in the eye
And remind us of our free innocent youth
Remind us of  what its like to be breathing
Not trapped in a plastic container of expectations
Re find ourselves by seizing our identity
Rekindle the joy of crashing down traditions
Remember plastic can be melted away
We aren’t its slaves
Find a match, start a fire
Be free to follow your hearts desire


“Society is Plastic,” by Karolina Mastalerz-Sanchez is a free versed poem. This poem answers the question, how does an individual stay true to him/herself? We all are really given an opportunity (“We only choose to believe that
opportunities weren’t given”) to become clones,”All we are is cloned dolls.” We were perfect in society’s eyes,”Identical indistinguishable illusions of perfection.” Yet we all believe that this way was forced upon us, no way out of it so we stopped fighting, “Died the day I gave up.” This is where the true message comes in, “Remember plastic,” society (Proven in the title), “Can be melted away we aren’t its slaves,” we can choose to become our own person and we can become that certain individual if we remember that we have the choice, no one else is allowed to restrain us. We can become great instead of letting another person decide to remove our spirit and passion, “The birds they captured are dead,” an allusion to a poem, The Bird by Patrick Lane. A great example would be flowers that grow between sidewalk cracks, even nature finds its way to live on despite the manmade things trying to contain it. We are in control of ourselves so we might as well follow our own desire, focus on our own passion and purpose in life rather than what others are doing to repress us from fulfillment.

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