Biology 11- 6 Kingdoms

1. Archaebacteria – Staphylothermus marinus and Methanosarcina rumen

Both of these Archebacteria are prokaryotes, also known as having no cell nucleus.

2. Eubacteria – E. coli and Streptococcus

These Eubacteria areusually a couple micrometres in length and come in many different shapes and sizes. They are complex and single celles, and are found everywhere.

3. Protists – Giant Kelp and Paramecium

Both of these protists are one-felled organisms and have diverse “reproductive and nutritional modes.”

4. Fungi – Amanita rubescen and Rhizopus stolonifer

These Eukaryotic fungi live by decomposing and absorbing organic material.

5. Animalia – Coccinella septempunctata and Pterophyllum altum

Animalia meaning the highest taxonomic group where all living or extinct animals are included in.

6. Plantae – Vaccinium macrocarpon (cranberry) and Opuntia phaeacantha (desert prickly pear)

These are multicellular and are eukaryotes.




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