Socials Round Table Discussion

In class we had to discuss about a political ideology that was given to us. We were put into groups. My group was conservatism. It was very interesting to learn about something that i had no background knowledge about. We then came up with arguments on what our political ideology would do in specific situations. We learned that conservatism in on the right wing. The conservatists dont like change and want to keep things the same. (Referring to the status quo) They are very strict on maintaining law and order, with very strict punishments. Something interesting was that we were put into random groups and no one in my group had any background knowledge on this ideology. A challenge was coming up with an argument that we disagreed with. Some things we thought were unfair and unjust but we had to share what our ideology would have done. Another challenge was trying to share what our ideology would do in a situation without making us look bad. Overall, my group and I really enjoyed this activity.

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