Us and Climate

Image 1.

location Milan, Italy

year: 2017.

this house is a model for a sustainable residentcial building.

acoording to wikipedia “The project was named Bosco Verticale or “Vertical Forest” in English due to the fact that each tower houses 900 trees, 5,000 shrubs and 11,000 floral plants, which helps mitigate smog and produce oxygen. These tree-packed high rises help cities built for density, adding more housing and infrastructure, while improving the air quality. Trees and plants are the most efficient and cost effective way to absorb carbon dioxide.

I feels like this project is a feasible because of the residential which contains a lot of trees would mitigate the problem of smog and produce oxygen but the cost of to living is expensive. according to The flats come with a pretty hefty price tag though – a low-level 80 sqm apartment will set you back $845, 000, while a 200 sqm penthouse costs a whopping $2.6 million.

image  2.

topic name:European high speed train

location: in this picture it located in Copenheagen Central Station, Denmark

date: unknown.

Bullet trains fuel real-estate booms, improve quality of life, reduce air pollution and traffic congestion, and provide a “safety valve” for crowded cities, especially in the developing world.

i feels like this project is a feasible because in almost all developing countries use a high speed train for reduce a problem of a carbon dioxide. the high speed train using 30 percent less energy per passenger mile than cars and 20 percent less than planes

Climate and us

Hasina Begum (Bramanbaria)

location- brahmanbaria bangladesh

date- none

the climate change has effect water stress and lack of  a water



Climate measurement






date-May 29 2019

air pressure- 019 hPa

temperature- 19 celsius

wind direction- southwest

wind speed- sw 6km/h

precipitation- 0 cm

cloud type-stratus

cloud cover- yes

tomorrow it’s going to be cloudy with half chances with high pressure or low pressure



air pressure 1013 hPa

wind direction- north east

wind speed- sw 8 km/h

precipitation-  high pressure

cloud type- none

cloud cover- none

prediction- it’s going to be colder than today and it’s not going to have any cloud


































How can BC’s waste management system be made more sustainable

The article that I read it talks about recycling in Germany, how can they control waste management success really comes down to two things: strong government policy and its citizens embracing recycling. Renewable energy success has come primarily from strong government policy and action.

waste management act is established in 1996, this act applies to anyone that produces, markets or consumes goods and dictates that they are responsible for the materials’ reuse, recycling or environmentally sound disposal. This act particularly targeted producers and encouraged them to focus on one of three waste management strategies: waste avoidance, waste recovery and environmentally compatible disposal.

In other words, businesses need to avoid producing any waste, recycle what they do produce, and anything that can’t be recycled must be disposed of in an environmentally safe way.

the green dot: The Green Dot is just that, a green dot that’s placed on the outside of packaging indicating it must be accepted by recyclers. Depending on their packaging, manufacturers pay a fee to the DSD (Dual System Germany) and are then given permission to place the green dot on their packaging. Companies using the green dot have promised to abide by all of Germany’s recycling laws.

Germany’s recycling culture

The above three policies led to recycling bins being placed everywhere in Germany. Germany has multiple recycling bins, requiring its citizens to do the sorting themselves.

There are six different bins: black for general waste, blue for paper, yellow for plastic, white for clear glass, green for coloured glass and brown for composting.

By pre-sorting their recycling, the German government saves a significant amount of money and also reduces the amount of contamination that can potentially ruin entire batches of recycled material. This process of sorting certainly didn’t happen overnight, but with time it became a habit for German residents and, in fact, a matter of pride.

this is why Germany is leading the EU when it comes to recycling municipal waste.

How sustainable is BC’s Forestry Industry?

Renewable B.C. wood products are in demand around the world, with B.C.’s forest industry exporting $13.7 billion worth of forest products in 2016, accounting for 34 percent of all provincial exports. One of the reasons why B.C. wood products are in such demand is that B.C. is a world leader in sustainable forestry.

clearcutting: refers to the complete or nearly complete removal of trees from an area of land.  Clear-cutting is the process of cutting down all trees in an area of forest at once. Topsoil erosion can remove many essential soil nutrients from the area, making it harder for replanted trees to grow.

silviculture: Allow for easier and efficient operations, because it is the simplest method to use. May have lower costs for forestry activities including planning, layout, supervision, harvesting, site preparation, and intermediate treatments. Harvesting may be less expensive due to the higher volume/hectare removal.

Selective Logging: is the practice of cutting down one or two species of trees while leaving the rest intact.