Two things that I am proud of are that I did well on formatting the Quotes correctly and another thing I am proud of is that I did not have as many grammar mistakes. Two things that I will improve… Continue Reading →
Gratitude There are many things one could be thankful for, such as being thankful for having friends, being thankful for living in a good country, and being thankful for the entertainment that is in the world. I am thankful for… Continue Reading →
P# 1: The issue that I’m trying to address is that some people do not care about the environment and that they think that they can do anything they want. For example, littering. Littering can lead to… Continue Reading →
Sentence: I am a magnet stuck on the fridge. Phrase: I have traveled so far 3 Words: Chosen, Brought, Stuck I chose these three words because they really stood out to me were very meaningful. they impacted me because I… Continue Reading →
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