P# 1:
The issue that I’m trying to address is that some people do not care about the environment and that they think that they can do anything they want. For example, littering. Littering can lead to a lot of bad things, such as air pollution. The contaminants also effect plant growth and cause health issues for the animals that are living around that area. Littering is bad for the environment, because it wastes our natural resources and can also clog storm drains and cause flooding. It doesn’t only affect us, but can also affect the ocean, rivers and wildlife. Many animals die by trying to eat or getting stuck in plastic bags that are blown by the wind. It threatens our health and can cause harmful germs and bacteria. The purpose of this photo is for people to know what they are doing to the environment. What we can do to save the environment is to stop littering, and we can report people who litter.We can also share with others the proper way to dispose of trash, and if we see litter on the ground, such as plastic, we could pick it up and throw it in the garbage and make good use of recycle bins
P# 2:
At the start of this unit, I did not know as much about visual literacy as I know now. The only information I had was that images have a lot of meaning. The new points that I have learned about visual literacy, is that you need to see the whole image to fully understand the story. I already knew a little bit about that, and I always saw the whole image. I also always found the meaning of the story by reading between the lines and inferring. I learned that photos have many issues or stories, and the images can manipulate you. Furthermore, I learned that composition can be the message behind an image. In the future, I can be critical of images in the news and in life by reading between the lines and inferring. I can ask questions about the news, and I can look at every aspect of the photo to make sure I see every point of view.
P# 3: In conclusion, I want people to see that littering is not good for the environment. I want to see people picking up after themselves, picking up other garbage that is on the ground, and throwing that in the recycling bins. The government can also take action into this by making people pay more if they litter and make them pay a fine. If the government does this, it will make the people stop littering because they do not want to pay a fine.
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