How does one recover from extreme suffering? 

How does one recover from extreme suffering? 

In the short story “The Watch”, by Elie Wiesel, the author shares a personal story on survival, and finding a positive outlook on life during the Holocaust in World War II. As a young boy, Elie cherished his Jewish values, especially the special gold watch that he had received during his bar mitzvah. When finding out he was being sent to a concentration camp, he decided to hide the watch in a hole that he had dug in his yard, in hopes of retrieving it after the war has ended. After spending the rest of World War II in a harsh concentration camp, he visits the very place he buried his prized possession, the watch, 20 years after he buried it. After digging intensively, the author writes, “Suddenly a sharp shiver goes through me. A sharp sensation, like a bite.” (page 3). He has found it, the watch. One of the reasons why he needed to survive the Holocaust, one of the reasons why the suffering was all okay. The watch. Despite all the hard work that Elie has done to get to this point, his mindset suddenly changes. He does a double take and realizes that, “this thing [the watch], this nameless, lifeless thing had survived for the sole purpose of welcoming me” (page 4). He realizes that the watch too, had survived the Holocaust, and it also had a rough experience, and a story to tell. In the story, he tells himself that he “simply wanted to leave behind me…a reflection of my presence.” (page 5). In his mind, the watch symbolizes the history of the town, the struggles, and hardships of the past. The memories, and legacy of all the Jews, who fought so hard for what’s right. In “The Watch”, Wiesel explains that one can recover from extreme suffering if they face their memories, remember and look at the past, and overcome their fears. 


I did awesome on relating the source that I chose to the question. I integrated a lot of relevant information from the short story, and used it very well in answering my question.

I need to improve on finding better photos that relate more to what I’m writing about

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