Technology Paragraph – Do you think we are too reliant on technology?

During our discussion we have concluded that humans are reliant on technology, but that’s not necessarily a negative thing. Since the beginning of time, humans as a species have been relying on technology to further innovate and enhance their lives. From writing, to fire, to TVs and iPhones, these are all different forms of technology that humans have been reliant on, so it’s only natural to further evolve. Humans are reliant on technology but it’s how some of us survive. Hospitals and emergency centres rely on technology in order to save lives, without our constant curiosity and involvement with technology, our society who be nowhere as advanced and capable of sometimes life-saving treatments that it has today. Everywhere around us is technology, we are surrounded by it, but it’s just another factor of our ever-changing world. Our reliance on technology is only apart of our human evolution, just as the cave-men discovered fire and writing. Reliance is a big part of how humans discover and invent systems that better lives of humanity while introducing them to new concepts. Modern technology being looked upon as “apart of us” and with us being “obsessive” over it, is just another variation of the same technologies that were invented before, that we don’t see the same way. For example, when cars were invented some people enjoyed the invention that could enhance their lives and make them easier and quicker. Whilst others thought that society was moving too quickly and walking, or other methods of transportation are better, and we shouldn’t rely on these cars. In everyday life technology surrounds us. Looking around it’s impossible not to see technology benefiting humans, but at the same time also having some negative sides to it. But, that’s just what comes with every invention, how something meant for good has been turned into negativity. Looking around cars, stoplights, ambulances, clocks, everything around us is powered by technology. We are reliant on these cars, these clocks, the radio but it’s only seen as a problem regarding newer technology like phones and computers. As time goes on, these systems of technology like phones will be seen as clocks, just things we use in our daily lives; and new inventions will be seen as the new “obsession”. In the end technology is the main focus in human’s life, we are reliant on this technology but it’s not a negative thing but just another form of human evolution.