Si Lo Écoutait

Voici mes enregistrements de français avec les deux règles de si. (Je ne sais pas pourquoi, mais EduBlogs ne me permettait pas d’insérer des fichiers audio avec mon téléphone, je devais donc les convertir en fichiers vidéo, les envoyer par e-mail à mon ordinateur et les convertir en fichiers audio afin de pouvoir les insérer depuis mon ordinateur. Les nouveaux fichiers audio sont beaucoup plus gros que l’original, donc je ne sais pas quand cela va télécharger. J’espère que c’est OK.)

Règle de si – #1: C’est à propos de mes parents qui me téléphonent à propos du vol de notre maison, et mon chat était le seul témoin.

Règle de si – #2: C’est à propos de comment je voyagerais dans le temps, pour me sauver d’un accident qui m’empêcherait de nager. (Je parle aussi du passé tout en utilisant le futur simple, donc c’est un peu confus)

Narrative Essay Corrections – ‘Cat-Napped’


What I did well on: I did very well on interpreting my voice into this essay, and incorporating many poetic devices such as similes, metaphors, and the rule of threes.

What I can improve next time: I can improve on deleting unnecessary information. I had a lot of phrases and words that didn’t need to be in the essay, and once they were deleted, the essay became more fluid and understandable.

‘Skyscraper’ — Demi Lovato

Meaning: Someone has been very toxic in this girl’s life. They have been trying to pull her down and make her life miserable. Finally, after all the pain and suffering, she conquers her fears and emotions, and comes out stronger than ever before by finding the strength that is deep inside her.

Theme statement: When one feels like giving up, one needs to change their mindset and actions to take back their inner-strength to conquer the past.



“Tell Tale Heart” – Alternate Ending in New Point of View

The point of view I used is objective

The police officers knocked on the door, and waited to be let in. The protagonist opened the door to let the police officers in. He led them through the house confidently, allowing them to look at anything, in any room that they desired around the house. Once they got to the old man’s room, the protagonist brought in chairs for the police officers to sit on and placed his own chair on the very spot where he had placed the old man’s dead corpse a few hours before. The police officers are convinced that nothing has wrong has happened and that the protagonist is innocent. The officers are having a great time talking and laughing with one another. While they are enjoying themselves, the protagonist starts acting a big odd. The protagonist seems to imagine noises that aren’t actually there, and is acting particularly strange. The police officers don’t pay attention to the protagonist and continue their conversation, while the protagonist continues to act out. The protagonist starts getting pale. The protagonist continues to panic, and act strange all around the room, until he reaches his breaking point and screams: “Villains! Dissemble no more! I admit the deed! – tear up the planks! here, here! – it is the beating of his hideous heart!”