HCE 9 – English

Assimilation vs. Inclusivity, created by unknown artist

My interpretation of the visual

The visual shows a significant group of First Nations peoples, presenting a diverse and large group. The left side portrays a gray and despairing crowd of First Nations people wearing European clothing, summoning a sense of sadness. However, moving to the right, the crowd slowly shifts into vibrant transformation. Their expressions become less and less unhappy, bright colours transpire, and the scene of traditional First Nations clothing being worn becomes prominent. It appears that the intended message of the visual is “Inclusivity”. The change from a gray and gloomy crowd to a vibrant and culturally suggestive crowd suggests the inclusion and honouring of First Nations peoples. The transition in the crowds’ emotions, followed by the traditional clothing and colours, suggests a growing sense of self-identity and acceptance inside the sizeable community. This visual goes along with the concept of inclusivity, regarding the importance of recognizing First Nations culture and experiences.


The visual supports the idea of establishing an inclusive community that respects and accepts all First Nations traditions and heritages by showing the path towards recovering their culture and roots.

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