“Robort”, developed by No one and the Computer, is a short film illustrating a future in which robots have taken many human roles. The film was notably generated entirely by artificial intelligence. The storyline focuses on Robert, a former singer turned accountant who finds himself jobless and isolated as machines become more prevalent in society. The film delves into various moral issues concerning artificial intelligence. Initially, it tackles job displacement, showcasing how mechanization can lead to significant unemployment and economic disparity. Secondly, it delves into privacy worries, as the extensive use of AI prompts inquiries about data collection, retention, and monitoring. Thirdly, the clip explores accountability, questioning who should be held accountable when AI systems cause harm or errors. “Robort” emphasizes on the struggle for human relevance and identity in a progressively mechanized world. The results of a flawed AI-human interaction are depicted as societal and personal, with an emphasis on employment loss, confidentiality, and human relationships. While the film does not offer clear solutions, it emphasizes that humans must find a middle ground between embracing AI advancements and upholding human duties and principles. “Robort” serves as a cautionary narrative, cautioning about the potential adverse outcomes of uncontrolled AI evolution. At length, “Robort” spotlights the critical need for ethical reflection and decision-making in the face of advancing artificial intelligence.