Theme: Environment/hubris; Inquiry Question: Why do we only focus on the tangible or the material in our culture?
Floral Decadence
Us frail flowers, flutter and flurry,
Fearing your declares.
Our dainty delicate florets,
Becoming mangled with many tears;
A manmade monstrous machine
May make its way to our empire,
Where it leaves all of our leaves,
In a big blustering smoke of fire.
To wish if only we could escape
The evil enemies that emerged,
In our humble home where
Harmful Homo sapiens have occurred.
Who knew you loved us not,
When you plucked our pretty petals.
Who knew you found pure joy
In turning meadows into metals.
Your destruction- is it pleasing?
Dealing death to our domain?
Don’t you care your conscious cruelty
Left our daisies copper-stained?
Plants are perished, weeds are withered,
Stems are slashed, ground is gritty.
One more canvas cleared,
For the cultivating city.
Your greedy group may one day gain
Our pure and grass-fed power,
But how will you ever forget,
That you filched it from a flower?
Floral Decadence is a short, structured poem that talks about how the need for control is taking over humanity. It seems to tell how we only focus on the tangible things in the world and don’t appreciate the intangible, such as natures beauty, and once we finally do realize its importance, it will no longer exist. The world has been around way longer than humans, but these last few generations have begun to neglect the very thing that gave us a life to live in the first place. Kaitlyn’s poem touches on the problem of how our mankind has been taking advantage of nature. People are becoming very selfish, and Floral Decadence mention’s the negative affect it has on the earth itself. The world’s natural beauty is one of the most indescribable experiences one could have in their life, and it is so important that we take care of it, so others have the chance to do the see it for themselves. I think what Kaitlyn is trying to say, is that if we see power as the most valuable thing in our lives, we will end up destroying the things we care for, and need, the most.