Science App Review

Define: To find an interesting app that can help students learn the names and symbols of the elements from the periodic table, quickly and easily whilst still being intrigued.



1. is this app easy to use?

2. Can this app teach valid information useful for students in Gr. 9 Science?

3. Will this app be accessible at anytime in anyplace?

Dream: My dream is for everyone to be able to have quick access to a helpful game that educates you about the elements. I feel that using an app, even as simple as this one, could give people a better oppertunity to learn in a more modern and fun way. I know many people dislike studying because it can become boring without any motivation. Studying in the form of a game is quite smart because it keeps the player interested and they end up taking in a lot of knowledge without even knowing it. If all studying was done in game form, I think many more people would want to studying and get more out of it than before.

Deliver: I looked through the Apple App store until I found an app that looked interesting and educational. i looked at the app description before downloading it to make sure this was the right kind of app I was looking for. Once I was satisfied with an application I found, I downloaded it to get a closer look. The app I chose is called “Elements- Periodic Table Elements Quiz”. It seemed pretty easy to use, and In my opinion it seemed like something that could help many people out when learning about the periodic table of elements. I found the application very helpful, and since you were playing against a timer, you become very determined to think quicker, which results in your memory working faster and the information becomes stationary within your mind. I find studying like tis is very similar to using flashcards, but the advantage is that it is much quicker, easier, and simpler to use.

App Description: The app is a simple, straight forward, colourful periodic table quiz where you are given an element, and you must match it will the corresponding symbol, or vice versa. the app has 2 modes; easy and difficult. The game can become quite tricky knowing that many of the element symbols look alike. This app helps give quick memory practice on the elements whenever you want, on any Apple device. Another part of the game is that there is a list of elements that you can look through if you need more in-depth detail about any particular element. It is arranged in alphabetical order, and once you click on a element, it gives you the full name, atomic weight, state, which period its in, which group it is in, and even the date it was discovered. If you needed even more information about a certain element, within the element description there is a clickable link that directs you straight to the wikipedia page about it, so you have all the information you need, and very quickly. The app is free to download, and doesn’t need internet to play to play game and to have access to the list of elements, though if you wanted to be directed to the wikipedia page through the app, you would need internet for that.

Debrief: Finding an app that with-held valid informational facts at the Grade 9 Science level was a little difficult. Most Science applications there was were directed towards younger learners. I chose this app because it was something familiar that i was learning in class, and something that seemed to be able to help someone to remember the symbols and names of periodic table elements. If I were to improve this application, I would add the element of being able to actually see the periodic table and its groupings. The game does not have a periodic table within it, and seeing that your memorizing each of the names and symbols, it would be nice to see where each one was on the table. Also, I would open the app for Android users as well, so it could be accessible to anyone who would like to use the app. Other then that, I think this app is very educational and easy to use, and I would recommend it to anyone who would like quick practice on the Elements of the Periodic Table.

One thought on “Science App Review

  1. Thank you for outlining the steps of solution fluency. You have also done well to explain your app. A little more detail and a few more screenshots would help you get your story across better. Good work.

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