1. What do I see when I look at this image?
When I look at the image, I see three women holding up three men, while being beneath a podium, unseen to everyone else. I see the women’s expressions that show that they are struggling, and not wish to be in that position. There are three men in suits, looking very happy with themselves, either unaware or unbothered by the women struggling beneath them.
2. How does it make me feel? (first impressions, lingering feelings after)
My first impression of this image is one of sadness and anger, sad that women have gone through this for so long and anger that nothing is being done about it. It aggravates me that women have been treated such ways for so long and that some men that have beliefs that women should be in that position.
My lingering feelings for this is an amplified version of my first one. I think to myself who has the audacity to believe one gender is better, when that is subjective, and cannot be categorized for an entire group of people. It angers me that men have this mindset towards women, when they would not even be alive if it were not for their mother who went through so much to give birth to them.
3. What does the image/picture seem to be trying to say? (What do you think the owner/author is trying to say to you?)
To me, the image seems to be trying to make people aware and represent what is happening to so many women today. To show the struggle lots of women go through, and to put it in an image for all to see and reflect on. This image also is displaying how men often get credit for achievements that women may not have the same reaction for if done the exact same thing, rewarding men while women remain in the shadows.
4. How does the image connect to the themes of: Respect, Collaboration, or Inclusivity?
This image connects to the themes of respect due to the lack of it. With this lack of respect, the men in the image do not care whatsoever about the women’s wellbeing and seem to be content to receive credit for their success when they are being held up by the women under the pedestal. The men have no regards for their feelings of the situation, and do not seem to care about how their own actions negatively affect the women who are struggling to hold them up.